I am installing a Cube Orange/HereLink in an OMP ZMO. I have most of the params done but would like to compare to a set of Nimbus params. Foxtech or custom setup would be fine. I searched here but most params seem to be ones with issues looking for some help. I would love to see a set from someone that has a well tuned setup. Thanks
Hi Steven_young,
Can you share the param file the nimbus vtol from foxtech…?
Now, I’m using the nimbus vtol V2 from foxtech…
I was hoping to see if anyone would give me the dimensions of the fuselage in mm or if anyone has a CAD drawing of the UAV. My senior design team and I are building a tilt-rotor UAV for our project and trying our best to go by pictures of the UAV out there. If anyone can help that would be great. Thank you!
Hi Elvis,
maybe I have missed something, but could you please state what you would like to get? I have a Foxtech Nimbus at work, which I could use to take some dimensions.
Best, Pascal
I’m looking for the length, height, and width of the fuselage. For the length of the fuselage from where it connects to the nose cone to the point where the boom for the tail and for the height and width where the nose cone connects to the fuselage. and the length of the nose cone from the tip to where it connects to the fuselage. And the height of the boom from the bottom of the fuselage. If you could provide me with the numbers I would much appreciate it.
No problem, I can measure those dimensions in Monday, if you like
That wold be great! Thank you!
Hi Akun,
If you could send me an email address I will send them through - They will be unflown and there has been 2x firmware updates since that time so beware.
Hello Elvis,
I’ve made some measurements on the fuselage of our FoxTech Nimbus.
The length of the fuselage from the cone connector to the end of the tail boom clamp is roughly 478mm.
The width and height of the fuselage right at the cone connector are 140 and 150 mm, respectively, but bear in mind that the fuselage has additionally some bumps on the lower side.
The distance of the centre line of the tail boom from the lower side of the fuselage (excl. the mentioned bumps) is 110mm, and the nose cone has a length of roughly 210mm from the base to the beginning of the pitot tube.
Hope this helps.
Cheers, Pascal
Thanks!!! It helps a lot.
Hi Steven_,
ok …
plese send to my email, freeakun960@gmail.com
Hi Greg.
I am new to this group and I find the discussion on this topic very interesting.
I am currently testing a foxtech nimbus 1800 and it has problems with horizontal turns regardless of the flight mode. I hope you can help me here I leave the .Bin file of the last flight. thanks for your help.
please check only the last minute. Thank you
Did you ever get this fully tuned? Do you mind sharing your param?
Here you go
ZMO_Tuned.param (24.5 KB)
I have this Nimbus VTOL airframe sent to me from a customer (he bought the airframe from other people way back then) to do some check up, a bit of maintenance. Then I noticed when I connected it to the Mission Planner, there’s no battery voltage reading on the HUD.
So I went to battery monitor tab and tried entering the value manually after I measured the LiPo with multimeter. But the value was not registered even after rebooting. It reverted back to 0. I’ve tried several time but still no luck.
So I want to know is this problem related to Mission Planner, the flight controller or a faulty power module? Is anyone experienced similar problem? I don’t have any extra power module at my disposal at this moment to try checking if the power module is faulty unfortunately.
And if the power module is faulty, which power module that I can buy to replace it?
Here I’ve attached my parameter and some screen shots.
Any help appreciated thank you very much.
NimbusVTOL.param (17.0 KB)