New to this stuff and cant calibrate GPS

have just started making model airplanes, I have a Pixelhawk in my hand and I started calibrating with the Talon 1400 airplane model and I solved the esc issues, but I could not calibrate the M8N GPS in my hand and I am faced with this empty screen and could’nt find any answer for my plablems. Thanks for the help.

That screen is showing no compass being recognized which is odd because Pixhawk’s have an internal compass and it should at least find that one. Which Pixhawk is it?

Its pixhawk 2.4.8 i guess the problem is about bus

You should be seeing something like this:

From the messages screen in Mission Planner after connecting what version of firmware are you using?

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İ know, my misson planer is just downloaded. its latest version. And i know i saw same things at other videos. Can my pixhawk be broken?

Answer the question. Messages screen Shown here for example:


And post a screen shot like this from the HWID screen:


So sorry for the delay here the screen shots

Perhaps this is yet another version of the generic 2.4.8 that only has one IMU and no compass.
Try flashing the Pixhawk1 version of firmware. Download the .apj file from here Pixhawk1
And use Mission Planners “load custom software” to flash it. Then see what the HWID looks like. In any case an external compass should work.

I get no fix from gps thanks but still my bus list is all 0 so what parameters should i open for gps

So, you have flashed the Pixhawk1 firmware?
GPS won’t show up on the HWID list it’s a serial device. Post a photo of how you have it connected.

Ah, a Radiolink product. Here is what you need to know about Radiolink:

RadioLink are in violation of ArduPilot’s GPLv3 license in that they refuse to release the source code for their modifications to ArduPilot.

Here you go:
Radiolink Pixhawk

I suggest you choose a supported Flight Controller from this list:
Supported Flight Controllers

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I used Mission Planners “load custom software” to flash the true file and finally i saw my gps at compass page and handeled the I2C part. But still can’t find DevID and DevType for compass.

You mean you see the compass on the compass page? GPS won’t show up there nor will it be shown on the HWID page.