New plane time - what should I go for?

My Tundra V2 has been officially retired.

A quick rundown on what exactly happened (reading this is optional): As I pushed power to the engine (I was doing 50-60% power so that I would be able to do a smoother, rolling takeoff) the left wind apparently cracked in two near where it connects to the body. Plane then wouldn’t climb and then suddently flipped upside down when low and fast and immediatly hit the ground. At this point I gave up repairs because at some point I have got to move to a better plane and this Tundra was handling weirdly BEFORE this crash.

For my next plane im thinking something like a glider-like plane with a pusher prop and trike landing gear (preffarably with slightly oversized landing gear, road I take off from is in middle of nowhere and thus nobody really cleans it up of small rocks and pebbles) and enough space for my next ardupilot FC.

Im also hoping for ~10-15 min flight time when cruising*, mayby more.

Lastly I will be adding a pitot tube and some form of radar altimiter (ToF sensor or laser ranging thing? not chosen yet).

Im OK if I can’t reuse the batteries from my last plane.

(For those who spotted my long-range plane post from some time ago, that is a separate project)

*I didn’t really get a chance to get into too many of the flight modes on my Tundra V2 due to not exactly great flight time. On the new plane I want to test more things like auto-landing, auto-takeoff, etc.

PS. FPS is required.

Bixler maybe, or there are plenty of options, I suggest you get it flying nicely in manual before any fancy LiDAR, auto stuff

Obviously getting it flying manually nicely is the 1st step.
First few flights likely will just be getting plane to fly properly then ill start the autotuning proccess.