New fixed wing PID system and autotune

it would take a lot of work to replace the quad with a fixed wing in airsim. It would be a great project, but not easy.

How much is alot of work? And you mean mainly editing the json and c++ files? I have about a week or two - I’m a graduate aerospace engineer at the moment, needing this for school - to dedicate towards getting the model (I’m experienced with UE4 and somewhat with C++, not so much with air sim or ardupilot though)

yes, just need to replace the quadrotor model with a fixed wing model, and also work out a takeoff process and ground interaction. Good luck with it!

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Anyone knows when the motor is spinning randomly in 4.1 dev when the plane is disarmed?
It seems it’s doing this only when in RTL failsafe mode.

fly witn 4.1.0 beta. Matek f405 wing. sonicmodell binary 1200
Run new autotune. Not found any big improvement for traditional 4 channel plane
here logs!AuFPVI_eDaZbhbwWqZzoPirkPVgl2g?e=Sscwi8
plane have jerks on roll axis

and here video of flying

I’m not sure to understand what does it means in @tridge comments of the release Luckily you can read the right FF value from any log where the pilot has commanded a sustained rate in the axis of the FF (eg. commanded a full right roll, or pitch up). If I look my log after an autotune flight: try to visualize Max Roll with FF parameter

(logs are already posted in Autotune plane: need help > desired Roll and achieved Roll )

Kind regards.

@tridge Hello,
I have tried the new autotune from level 6 to level4. The server jitter sometimes, Probably by every few seconds. The pitch does more than the roll. And the level 4 does more than level 6. Can you tell me how to fix it?

Can I tune the pid page on the gcs while the plane is in the air?

Thank you for any help.

Hi,the initial PID setting seems too low in firmware 4.1, is this the different unit compare to old PID setting?

the defaults in 4.1 are equivalent to the defaults in 4.0. The meanings of the parameters are different.
In the 4.1 defaults the most important value is the feed-forward (FF). In 4.0 the default FF was calculated based on the P value.

and i have problem in firmware4.1,it always show unhealth AHRS,but the plane fly well,is that a bug ?

Thanks tridge,do the PID or FF value will change if i update to 4.1 from 4.0? and if i feel the plane turn slow after autotune,can i just only increse FF ?sorry i don’t queit understand what FF mean,but i can understand the PID.

the new PID values will be automatically upgraded to equivalent values when you go from 4.0 to 4.1

no, it is probably that you have the AUTOTUNE_LEVEL set too low for the responsiveness you want. If you post a log we can take a look

tridge,can you tell if the unhealth AHRS is bug or some wrong in firmware 4.1,i can arm the plane but it always show unhealth AHRS,I’m not sure if my FC have a problem.the gps is ok .

I guess the problem is in EKF3,but i don’t know much about EKF

I can’t tell what is happening without logs. Both tlog and bin log from sdcard if possible

OK,thanks I will sent the log later

Have you tested the new released stable 4.1 version on matek f405.
I have two f405 and they behave very strange for me. The pitch an roll moves extemly lot even at small motions,it gives full movement to the elevator and ailerons…and it does not react fo PID changes

i autotune 2 planes with 4.1 stable
binary1200 and atomrc dolphin without issues


Thanks…meanwhile i could also tune the plane…set PID to low and made an autotune.
Now everything is perfect. It seems its only twitchy in the hand but smoothe in the air😉

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@tridge current Autotune give bad results if plane tuned in calm day.
Here graph from atomrc dolphin:

params show previous values, tuned in calm day. And log show params tuned in windy conditions (about 30-40km\h wind). Autotune perfomed about 50% throttle.
As we can see D lowered about twice.
and here oscillation at start

also i think D bad for planes…
here video takeoff in windy day after autotuning in calm day