New FIMI Manta VTOL Fixed Wing

Has anyone developed better AP settings using the stock FC?

Hello all,

I’m a silent long time reader of this forum, but this is my first actual post :wink:

I’ve done a few fully autonomous flights so far and they went absolutely flawless.
The longest flight was about 14km and took 20 minutes.

Attached is my parameter file that’s working for me !

You can also download a logfile from one of my recent autonomous waypoint flights (8500m in about 10minutes):

Best regards,

Settings_4.5.x_current.param (19.0 KB)


Guys, is there someone who tried to connect FrSky telemetry by F-port? I’m struggling to do it, tried both options of the uart - inverted and uninverted, with no success. Due to Ardupilot documentation, I set

The instructions are not really clear, the converter cable that they suggest solve only the inversion issue? So for FIMI we don’t need it, as it has inverted pad, right?