Ok - investing the time this am. Can’t see the Yaapu widget screen (widget is selectable) - is blank and asks for a “screen type”. I reloaded the screen files for my resolution. Any thoughts?
Lots of documentation here:
Sometimes you have to dig a little to find what you need, but it’s very complete.
I think I recall you’re using ExpressLRS and a TX16S. Be sure to follow the sections for those, specifically. The TX16S runs EdgeTX, which may also be helpful as you navigate the docs.
Hi @Yuri_Rage , I’ve got the scripts working, now on to building a connection wire for in/out between Pixhawk and my ELRS receiver (if I understand things). Then a minor config change and we’ll see if the magic starts. As usual, thx for all the help…cd
Found out no “new” wire was required - ELRS module seemed to already be in the right spot (UART). So, onward to fuel tank sensing setup - first on the bench, then onboard…
Well Chris @marblecreek how are the new big HAPPYMODEL servos working out so far? I will be helping my brother @wirenut1631 to build a mower and we will be trying to decide on servos pretty soon.
Hi Brothers Johnson! Servos are fine - had one that had mfg problem, but once diagnosed, they offered to repair it. I didn’t want the hassle of sending, so I ordered 2 more. 1 to replace the faulty unit and the other for my next build (and eventual return for repair. Really, they were great with the troubleshooting - I’d leave my thoughts during our day, and woke up to answers with pictures of what to check.
Also, at least one of our giant bad boy friends from Mowstock replaced his with the HappyModels.
Let me know when you want to chat about things I’d do differently (and probably will after Mother Nature takes a break from growing things)…cd
Any news on the Toro? I’m going to dig into throttle per your post as well. Also, have to engage the mower via a relay, and in the fall will invest some time with automated blade height. Speaking of blades, will post on best blades for mowing - straight or articulated. . . Hope all is well - let me know if I can help ya’ll! cd…
Well @wirenut1631 decided to buy a 60” “Bad Boy” and he has just been doing a lot of mowing the old human driven way. We are going to dig into that conversion in the near future. He has just been too busy with other priorities.
Still willing to help - let me know. . .cd
My experience with blades tells me the best blades are sharp ones. Out here in the country and you are not “bagging” the grass both major types of blades work fine for me. The “high lift” blades, with the big back edge, catch more air. I think they are intended for blowing the grass into a grass containment system. The extra air might help move the grass out of the mower deck. I do not bag any grass, so I usually just use the “gator blades” with that back edge with the teeth on it. Supposedly the teeth help mulch the grass. I have always felt like they both mow just fine, if they are sharp. I know they get dull pretty fast out here in the sand where I live. I gave up on sharpening them and just replace them when they are worn out.
Steve, what model Badboy did you get? I guess I’m mainly wondering it has the Hydrogear combo pump/motor or separate pump and motor for drive.
I am not sure of the exact model (it’s my brothers mower), but it does have the Hydrogear combo pump/motor. It looks just like the same Hydrogear system that I have on my mower.
Well, Hello “YAWL”! Great success in getting GPS YAW working - @Yuri_Rage, your recommendation(s) to be more precise are well received - I’m a bit embarrassed to show the rig I concocted, but it all came together yesterday. @SJohnson and @Yuri_Rage , thanks for all the help.
Trudging through exclusion fences this morning!
Here’s something to ponder - I’d like to control how fast my mower moves with a knob on my Radiomaster TX16s. Once a mission starts (Auto), I adjust the speed of the mower depending on the terrain or how thick the grass is.
Any ideas on how to configure?
I’m looking at a 0-2.3 mph range (maybe it needs a non-zero bottom). CRUISE_SPEED and CRUISE_THROTTLE are a little confusing still, but it seems like I could configure an output on my Radiomaster to link to an RC channel in MP and have that magically adjust the throttles.
Anyway - playing around with all this today. Mower is mowing like a champ - on to the tweeks…
You don’t need an extra channel. Try pushing the throttle stick up and down while traversing waypoints. The feature is built in.
That sounds like a @Yuri_Rage question. It seems like, if a script can be created to adjust the forward speed based on engine RPM, one could probably be written to adjust the forward speed based on a PWM signal from a potentiometer.
However, It seems more logical to just make it automatic and let it adjust forward speed automatically based on engine load (RPM).
I take my computer out in the field with me most of the time as I ride around in my UTV watching the mower and I make forward speed adjustments as necessary. I really need the RPM sensing set up to control speed. I know how to do everything but the script and I have the parts, I just haven’t had the time.
I have got to try moving the throttle!
So simple thanks y’all!
Wait, what!! 6 years doing this and I didn’t know that. I just tried it. I had WP_SPEED at 1.0 m/s. I could speed it up to 2.4 or so, but it didn’t seem to go below 1.0 when I pulled the stick down. But, good to know!
“Throttle nudge” - has existed since before our time and probably isn’t used extensively.