New ArduPilot methodic configurator GUI

Downloaded the latest version for Windows and installed fine. When trying to run the application via the icon, nothing happens. When trying from a PS, I get these errors:

I test the app in Windows 10. What windows version are you using?

Windows 11
(Post must beā€¦)

Try to google that. I do not have any Windows 11 machines that I can test this with, so I can not help you there.


python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools

v0.6.2 Latest


Can you try the new ā€œlatestā€ version in two minutes?

I thing I might have fixed that now.

Hello @amilcarlucas

In fact I forgot to tell you, I was trying with cli since the executable was not working neither. At first when I tried to launch the .exe directly a cli Windows poped and close but no time to read, so I launched from cli and I had the exact same error than @LukeWijnberg is providing you, then I tried to launch it through cli with the other command I shown you, in order to see what happend, Iā€™m using Windows 10 last release.

Searching for the first error on the Web was not providing anything useful. I also tried to reinstall a lot of dependancies but since my os was fresh new nothing was already installed at all, I installed python3.12 for the occasion.

Thank you

Try the brand new latest ā€œDevelopment buildā€ and tell me if it fixes the problem for you.

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Ok @amilcarlucas I tried the new version on fresh installed os, it launch well, but after that I have a strange behavior, I clicked on a button and this window is showed :

with an error in the CLI :

And I am not able to come back to the first window, even if I restart the program, even if I uninstall it and reinstall it.

Also, when I try to add a new directory for the template I am getting the exceptions FileExistsError :

but all the time it is happening with totally new names, so I assume that somewhere the code is checking if the fileExists after creating it.


The first error message is normal and expected.

The first window will not appear if an FC is connected, It knows all it needs to know, so that window will not appear.
Disconnect the FC and it will appear again to ask you what you want to do. This behavior is explained in the file.

The third error I can not explain, nor reproduce here. Are you using version 0.6.3?

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Understood, so both first and second ā€œerrorsā€ are normal behavior, my bad for the, thanks.

For the third yes Iā€™m using 0.6.3, reinstalled two times, I just tried to uninstall and reinstall it again. I had the same behavior.

Are you selecting a different and unused ā€œ(destination) new vehicle nameā€ every time? Are you sure?

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I tried new names every times yes even when relaunching the program, but now I had uninstall the program, deleted manually all the folders, in programData and appdata, reinstalled and now Iā€™m getting the next window. Maybe launching the program again when the default suggested folder ā€œMyVehiculeNameā€ was already there was triggering the exception ?

Edit : But it does not explain the error happening the first time.

So, for now it seems good for me, I will continue testing it later :

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v0.6.4 Latest


v0.6.5 Latest


v0.6.6 Latest



I now finished all features requested by the users up until now.

The latest one is a vehicle template overview and selection window:

I plan to add more templates in the future.

If you configured your vehicle using the software and are willing to share your files with the community post them here, I will then add them as a template that can be used by you and the other users.

ArduPilot Methodic configurator supports all vehicles so Heli, Plane, Rover, Boat, Sub, Blimp, and Tracker and AP_periph templates are also welcome.



@github-actions github-actions released this 10 Jun 22:05





@itsnav It now detects outdated ArduPilot versions and explicitly tells the users to update the firmware.

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