Neopixel not working: Not shown in RCOut message + No output

I am trying to use Neopixel LEDs on my rover, without much success.

I have set the NTF_LED_TYPES to include neopixel (a value of 257)
SERVO5_Function is set to Neopixel1
the length is also set, and it should be mirroring the output of the onboard led, yet I am getting zero output at all

In previous forum posts there has been talk about setting pwm groups, however, as fair as I can tell, this is a depreciated feature as the BRD_GROUPS (or whatever the actual name is) parameter no longer exists.

I have tested that the output does in fact work with a PWM out signal that I measured on an oscilloscope. I also used said scope to view what the actual neopixel signal should look like from a raspberry pi pico.

If any other information is needed for further diagnostics, please let me know.

What does the Banner message say in Mission Planner Messages screen for output protocol after connection? And what FC is it?

Disregard my previous accidental post, didnt know shift+enter was a thing :crazy_face:

I assume the banner message is this?
I noted that there is no neopixel outputs in this, despite it being configured to do so.

FC is a pixhawk 2.4.8

Post the parameter file.

Here you go
RoverParams.param (13.6 KB)