Need help with my Rover

Someone please help
been stuck on problem for a week now

lmao this post is useless you gave us no info so what are we supposed to do

I want to run a Python script on my Jetson Nano to control a pan-tilt servo connected to Pixhawk’s Main Out 5 and 7. My Pixhawk 2.4.8 is running on rover firmware, and I mostly use it in manual mode. However, I am having issues changing the flight mode due to an unhealthy AHRS.
i have successfully connected Pixhawk to jetson nano via mavlink .
I am new to this whole process and If you need any additional information, please let me know

Proceed thru the tuning process as outlined in the Rover Wiki. Does it drive correctly in Acro mode?

Note I said nothing about a companion computer…

Yes i can switch to Acro mode

I have a python script ready that controls two servos which i tested with a pca9685 servo driver which was connected to jetson nano . now the servos are connected to pixhawk main 5 and 7 channel instead of that pca9685 driver.
So i just want to run the same script from jetson nano inow that pixhawk 2.4.8 is connceted to via mavlink

I have a python script ready that controls two servos which i tested with a pca9685 servo driver which was connected to jetson nano . now the servos are connected to pixhawk main 5 and 7 channel instead of that pca9685 driver.
So i just want to run the same script from jetson nano inow that pixhawk 2.4.8 is connceted to via mavlink