I have t-motor flame 80A 12s V2.0 esc and t-motor antigravity mn-8014 100kv motor also a r9sx receiver and frsky taranis transmitter i have a problem that my motor starts to rotate at 50% throttle position of transmitter can anyone help me please
Do they run correctly when tested with Mission Planners Motor test at various throttle percentages? Detail here:
Setting Motor Range
Sounds like the esc is set for fwd rev? Are you using pwm or a comms protocol
I don’t think you can set those Flame ESC’s for fwd/rev. The programming is limited to Throttle calibration and timing from what I understand.
Ensure you have set
then do what Dave suggests to set your MOT_SPIN_ARM and MOT_SPIN_MIN
They starts uneven and at 50% throttle they starts that they are on 5-10% throttle
I am using pwm for communication between esc and pixhawk
Sorry, I don’t understand what you are trying to say. Are you using Motor Test in Mission Planner not your Transmitter?
In motor test also the motors starts at 50% throttle in mission planner also I checked the following parameters you had given. But when I used transmitter the motors starts uneven
Is it to do with the throttle calibrate on the esc where it learns the max and min pwm. If this is messed up you will get all sorts of nonsense
Even after the calibration is completed, the motor starts rotating at 50% throttle…
What could be the possible reason?
Post the parameter file from the Flight Controller. And don’t bother testing with the Transmitter, it will tell you very little. You must use Motor Test.
I did have this problem before with new escs, but the calibration always fixed it. One thing that helps is to fashion a PWM generator to test different signals. That way you can be assured the signal to the esc are correct, rerun calibration, etc to make sure the hardware is operating correctly.
I always used Servo/Relay tab on Mission Planner to calibrate my ESCs on bench, before assembling it to the drone.
Much more reliable and repeatable than using the conventional calibration procedures via RC.
It’s been some years since I had to do an ESC calibration. Blheli_32 is the way to go. Not many choices in large capacity units but APD and iFlight have some.
Just on that, I have a couple of t-motor f35s that I’m setting up and even when on Dshot, the esc seems to ignore the Pwm min and max settings in Blheli suite and it uses whatever was detected during a previous pwm throttle cal on startup.
I thought when using dshot the fc just sends the set point digitally from 1000….2000 to the esc and the esc would just use the raw value without trying to scale the input against any min max value parameters, (I even had the esc set through the suite to 1000-2000 but it was retaining internally some previous throttle cal figures where I didn’t do a proper cal). It was acting like min1490 centre1500 max2000.
I would just use pwm only except the fwd rev doesn’t seem to retain once I go back to pwm mode it reverts back to standard one direction setup. so I’m using dshot which must partially configure the esc every time upon connection like a gps and it works except I seem to have to go back to pwm mode to learn the throttle then change back to dshot again to get fed/rev
I’m on the stock tmotor firmware, would that be the issue?
Can you verify from the Messages tab that DSHOT is actually in use for your motor outputs?
It will look like this
RCOut: PWM:1-8 DS600:9-14
If DSHOT is being used then an earlier version of BLHELI firmware shouldnt matter with regard to ignoring calibrated PWM values.
Yes I will check and show the screen, I was able to change direction from the bl heli direction parameter in mp and I also saw the servo min max go from 1100…1900 to 1000…2000.
It suggests here in the docs that going back to pwm should be possible without the setting reverting…
Only 2 channels using Dshot. Or is that the plan, just noticed it was Rover.