My copter is not wind resistant, and shakes a lot

Uploading: 00000005.BIN…
00000005.BIN.param (17.5 KB)

Can’t reach the bin file.

  1. proper quantify the vibrations. So that you know when they are improving, or not improving

  2. reduce vibrations.

  3. tune the dynamic notch filter to further reduce vibrations. This can only be done after step 2.

  4. tune the PIDs again.

  5. If the copter is flying in correctly proceed to do an autotune

If you have any issues, post a .bin file again.

PS: we should do a blog post or something with the point highlighted above. We keep having support questions with the exact same issue.


PS: we should do a blog post or something with the point highlighted above. We keep having support questions with the exact same issue.

I guess the best guide ready for this topic could be the 7" and 5" Andy’s videos, and in particular the specific videos on proper parameters setting, notch filtering, tune, autotune. Maybe these videos are not easily accessible for new users that don’t know Andy’s youtube channel and so a proper page on the wiki with these step by step video resources can helps a lot
future people that needs to learn all this stuff.

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I’ll try to send it again

I’ll try to send it again