My 1st Rover Project

unable to download latest firmware:

Your using Rover 2.51beta. Your .bin log has very little data in it. Maybe the LOG_BITMASK needs to be changed. I’m not sure. Your compass offsets are very high and your GPS had a very low Sat count along with a kinda of high Hdop. The Tlog just shows the rover sitting there. The parameters look to be default without any tuning performed. How does the rover perform in other " flight modes".

I only used it for a short time so maybe i should use it longer to obtain more viewable data? now in the tuning tab im not able to input new data. lets say i want to make throttle 2.0 it just goes back to 0.5. its like all the parameters are set and cant be changed now. maybe i should reset the whole apm and restart from scratch? i only have set 2 flight modes on 1 switch on the transmitter. in default the switch is manual and when flipped goes into auto mode.

Try having Steering Mode as your other mode with manual. You can use the full parameter list for changing parameters probably. I’ll see if I can dig up some old 2.51 stuff I have on an old computer and see if I can figure out why you logging is not logging much.

I found an old APM 2.5 parameter file for Rover 2.5. Try setting your LOG_BITMASK to16254.

the closest log_bitmask number to the one you’ve mentioned is 16384:

should i set it to this then take it out for another spin?

its a bit mask, so in
binary 16254 is 0011 1111 0111 1110 where as
binary 16384 is 0100 000 0000 0000

each bit corresponding to a different thing being switched on, The numbers in the description correspond to the binary bits. So 16254 is RCandServo + Camera + TECS + Compass + Battery + Commands + Mode + Navigation Tunning + Control Tunning + Performance monitoring + GPS + Attitude Medium

where as 16384 is just Rangefinder

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Ok Ive set it to 16254. will now try it out again. also regarding Altitude, in the quick view it shows altitude of 0.50 - 0.60. when planning way points and setting altitude should i make all altitude settings similar or leave them at 0 or 1? maybe that’s causing an issue?
also my home altitude is always 68


altitude is ignored in rover, it just goes to the lat and long

oh i see, well ive set the bitmask numbers now. is there anything else i can do which will help in getting you the best data to check out? eg, duration of drive time, how many times i switch from manual to auto etc.

should all be in the logs, vids are often useful

here’s the logs, drove it around a lap in manual then switched to auto and it went crazy. seems like it doesn’t know whether to go backwards or forwards, it goes forward and then reverses sporadically and without any steering. please find the attached log’s. i hope there’s some useful data in there which helps figure this out.

2019-01-20 13-45-30.bin (639.9 KB)

hum. it seems it just went to the same way point a bunch of times, maybe your mission was wrong, also it went into fail-safe very briefly.

11.0956s - Ready to drive.
11.0953s - New mission
21.1894s - init home
258.739s - Executing command ID #16
259.579s - Triggered AUTO xaccel=3.5
261.816s - Executing command ID #16
261.817s - Resetting prev_WP
261.837s - Triggered AUTO xaccel=2.7
269.051s - Reached Waypoint #1 dist 1m
269.054s - Executing command ID #16
276.813s - Executing command ID #16
276.813s - Resetting prev_WP
276.834s - Triggered AUTO xaccel=2.0
290.26s - Executing command ID #16
290.261s - Resetting prev_WP
290.363s - Reached Waypoint #1 dist 0m
290.364s - Executing command ID #16
290.38s - Triggered AUTO xaccel=3.1
317.041s - Failsafe trigger 0x1
317.202s - Failsafe ended
324.011s - Executing command ID #16
324.652s - Triggered AUTO xaccel=9.8
333.979s - Reached Waypoint #1 dist 1m
333.98s - Executing command ID #16
0.312154s - ArduRover v2.51-beta (705d3d56)

so the way Ive planned the mission is wrong and probably tuning too, with the mission ive set it like this:

also here’s the basic tuning tab screenshot. as i mentioned previously im unable to change the values as they seem set and unchangeable.

hum, the mission looks ok, duno why it keeps resetting to the previous way-point, you cant change any of the values because they have all changed names since APM was supported, you will have to find the relevant ones in the full list or tree

to be honest i’m not sure what i can do to simply run a 4 waypoint mission at this stage. too many variables in consideration and I dont know what else to do now. I have managed to manually set some values via the full tree. In @rmackay9 youtube upload:

I have copied the same tuning values as he is using a rc car similar to my own. other than that im lost with what i should do

Where do you have the GPS/compass module located? There is a huge change in magfield probably from interference from something. Also, how are you powering the flight controller? Your Vcc is very high plus there are significant drops.

It would help to add “RC” to the log bitmask. Either check the box in the Advanced Parameter list or use bitmask 32574.

Post a photo of how you have this setup.

It looks like he may have just the internal compass. I’ll give my two cents on the log when I look at it. Hopefully it all the Des stuff Vs. Actual in it. One other thing is I was using the stable release of Rover 2.50 on my old APM 4 years ago. I’m not sure what 2.51beta added or if it had bugs.