MSP protocol support

i will start with my pixhawk1 test bed then the black cube 450 quad then orange cube in a uav

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Ok work’s good on pixhawk firmware v3

here is a logic scan of the serial port (29.1 KB)

one thing i did notices usb to mission planer kept dropping off
this may be dji issue it will not record the osd overlay

Hi Colin,
thanks for the feedback and for the capture!

Could you capture both tx and rx traffic, what I really need is the serial traffic at the very beginning when the air unit is first turned on.
MP usb disconnections are unexpected and you’re the first the report them :frowning:

I’ve had quite a few flights with this firmware and my DJI Goggles now - it’s been reliable! I just found one small bug: If by mistake you unplug your goggles while in flight, and then plug them back in, the “DISARMED” msg will remain on the screen.

Hi, thanks. Just a question, did you try to connect/disconnect while armed also with betaflight?
Really looks like a DJI bug, I have no means to detect goggle disconnection (unless the air unit sends a particular msp message on disconnection) , I keep simply sending the armed/disarmed status so no idea of what’s going on.

I added wind direction and speed along the flight mode, I need to sort out a clean way to signal failsafe and we should have a pretty complete solution.

I have the firmware on my F765-Wing with an AR900 and a DJI Air Unit. What parameters do I have to change for it to start working?

My Air Unit is connected to the 765 via:
White UART RX goes to TX1 on the F765
Gray UART TX goes to RX1 on the F765

Set the UART you are using to 30 and baud to 115.

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MP USB disconnections looks like it firmware issues i rolled it back and forwarded from msp version to the latest plane 4.0.5 3 times just to check

i will do some rewiring to capture tx and rx traffic

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Thank you so much for spending time on the wind indicator!

For the arming bug after goggles disconnect/reconnect: I haven’t flown anything else than Ardupilot in several years, but I will see if I can flash betaflight on my f405-wing to see what happens with arming, and I will let you know!
I was supposing that the arming message was sent only once, so that if the Goggles miss it (Googles powered after arming), or disconnect/reconnect, the Goggles would keep on displaying the “disarmed” msg. It seems DJI is handling the arming message in a specific way since it starts and stops recordings, and takes the air unit out of low power mode. In any case this is really not a big deal for me. The Goggles do resume recording on their own once I replug them back in - I also don’t think that the power mode is affected, as I was flying further than 25mw would allow and didn’t notice a loss of signal. The real bug is with the barrel connector on the Goggles! I’m going to tie wrap that guy to the strap buckle!

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I have tried various things and no OSD. My Air Unit is connected to TX1/RX1 but when I change that to 115 and 30, the SiK radio stops working, which I am not sure why.

Do I need to enable any of the MSP parameters? Are they on by default or do I need to turn on each one?

Is there anything else that needs to be enabled?

Try inverting rx and tx.
Serial option 3
Worked for me on f4nanov6

I am already using the Air Unit as a receiver, so I think doing that would make it stop working.

Hi, please double check serial to uart mapping for yout matek f765.
From the docs if you connect RX1/TX1 to the Air Unit you should use SERIAL2_PROTOCOL = 30, SERIAL2_BAUD=115

as requested here is the scan tx and rx on the air unit serial port (269.5 KB)
if you need a longer scan let me know

Great Colin, thanks a lot!

ok just tested pixhawk1 v0.05
still the same issues with usb dropping off (488.3 KB)

Colin, can you flash latest master on your Pixhawk1 and see if usb disconnects, I’ll do the same later today, on my mini-pix and cubeorange I had it running for hours without issues.

EDIT:I can’t see if the clock says 2020-05-29 or 2020-06-29…

Hmm thats odd it says 2020-05-29

just flashed it with DEV 4.1.0 same drops off
then i went back to 4.0.5 official all good

not that odd, MSP requires 1 based months while I’m sending 0 based months, a simple fix :slight_smile: