MSP protocol support

with a lot of dust on it

We can do 2 things with it:

  • verify that serial traffic is coming out from the serial port while my firmware is running
  • check if the caddyx needs some special handling

Connect the FTDI and identify the COM port (from windows device manager).
Connect the FTDI GND to you flightcontroller GND and FTDI RX to flightcontroller TX.
Launch the serial monitor, select the correct com port and connect to it, you should see traffic flowing

next we’ll try to dump the traffic from the caddyx
Connect the caddyx TX and GND to the FTDI RX and GND.
Launch the serial monitor, select the correct com port and connect to it with the caddyx OFF.
In the received data window you should see no traffic.
Turn on the caddyx and hopefully we’ll see if it’s requesting anything special.

fingers crossed :slight_smile:

I’ll try tomorrow and do my best


In a day or two I will be ready to test on a quadcopter with PX4. Can you please add a binary for that?

Hi, I uploaded the binary for target Pixhawk4,


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I guess I have the wrong board for that binary?

Found device: PX4 FMU V2

Connected to bootloader:

Version: 4

Board ID: 9

Flash size: 2080768

Downloading firmware…

From: C:/Users/Robert Silvers/Desktop/arducopter.apj

Download complete

Downloaded firmware board id does not match hardware board id: 50 != 9

Image load failed

Upgrade cancelled

Hi, your board is being detected as an fmuv2 hardware id 9 without the 2MB flash limit.
It’s like a regular Pixhawk1 and should use that target IMO, I’ll build it.


Edit: it’s up

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"Hi, your board is being detected as an fmuv2 hardware id 9 without the 2MB flash limit.
It’s like a regular Pixhawk1 and should use that target IMO, I’ll build it.

I tried it and I can no longer get GPS to see satellites. It’s a BN-880 and worked 10 minutes before the reflash. I do see the compass working.

I then put 4.0.3 official back on, and immediately had 13 satellites So some issue with that binary for my board…

ok, than you tell me which is the correct target :slight_smile: what firmware would you download from here

I went into Qgroundcontrol and selected Pixhawk 1 (not 1M) and Official 4.0.3 and that worked.

If that is what you built, I am not sure what the issue is.

f405 ctr

caddex vista

cool Klaus, but hey the f405 CTR is the wrong port for it’s not outputting MSP???

Can you cut and paste the caddyx RAW data left panel in a text file and attach it?

btw great job, thanks

caddex vista.txt (6.8 KB)

the other panel, the one with the hexadecimal numbers right below “raw data”, thanks

…the data you captured from the caddyx was right after turning it on correct?

caddex vista.txt (22.0 KB)

thanks Klaus, now we have to understand why your matek is not outputting MSP. The captured data should be similar to the caddyx one with a bunch of $M<…

SERIAL2_BAUD must be 115

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Klaus, you can have only 1 serial port set to protocol 30 and BAUD for that port must be 115