MSP protocol support

its easy enough to get an item off screen by enabling and giving it a position that is off screen, i removed the vspeed with x 30 y 20. i will prob do same with vbat as dji osd already has it there.
i did try enabling the art horizon but nothing happened.
Is there anything else i can try help with let me know

since the nano fc is built into my lidl plane, I can’t get to the serial interface.

because of that i ordered a matek f405 ctr and a caddex vista for the next plane.

have entered SERIAL1_PROTOCOL = 30 and laid a line from the matek f405 tx3 to the daddex vist rx

but unfortunately I have no osd

Hi Klaus,
which firmware build are you using on the matek 405 ctr?

ArduPlane V4.1.0dev (bdc4e3be)

Hi, did you build it from my branch or did you use one of the images I provide here?

I downloaded the firmware from you

ok seems correct, there’s a note on the ardupilot site to use MatekF405 as target if the MatekF405-CTR board has an MPU6000 imu, don’t know if it applies to you and if it’s at all related :frowning:

Thinking of a way to confirm you have serial output from that uart…
The caddyx is supposed to behave exactely like a dji air unit I guess?

has anyone made it here with the caddex vista?

it doesn’t work on a matek f765 wing either

or i am too stupid?

Klaus try flashing betaflight to the MatekF405-CTR and double check that the caddyx works, if so we can investigate why it doesn’t with my code

Iv not tried a vista but technically it’s identical and should work. Try Betaflight first as Alex says.

@yaapu I am ready to try this for Matek 765-Wing. Can I please have a binary?

Also, it is 65 commits behind the Ardupilot Master. Is it easy enough for you to merge it up to date? Thank you.

So glad to see this is so close to done. I want to run my DJi system with Ardupilot and preferred to do it without the extra board especially on my nano goblin.

I updated the binaries to latest master.


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Does this use the newer terrain data or the older version?

it works with betaflight

Ok, so same wiring and does not work with ardupilot?

yes betaflight down and the last firmware from you on it, nothing else touched

Do you have a logic analyzer to capture the serial traffic by any chance?

No, unfortunately not

Klaus do you have an FTDI adapter?