MSP protocol support

I did everything you tell me
I am very confused somewhere
for a whole month
I can’t handle this

It is not called MSD_ anymore, all OSD settings start witb OSD_

What do you mean by this? Can you explain your question

Hi, which ardupilot version?

i have a Kakute F7 1.5V with the 4.2.0 dev build (main). But there are no MSP_Options?

i also have a Matek F405, i’m running 4.1.0 dev build (main), and i do see all the MSP_Options!

so is kakute F7 1.5V just not supported?

Well is see now that I would need a custom kakute F7 4.1 dev build with msp. And I need to use the custom builder.

yep, you need a custom build. KakuteF7 is a good example of why the custom build server was created!

4.0.7 Mission planner

Great work!

Build options Needed are:
Msp, msp_sensors, osd, osd_param

The GUI “onboard osd” does work.

Thank you

Sorry for bad English,I mean can you make more value support for MSP OSD,some values such as heading,attitude cross line is very useful。and can you explain more detail about display ESC temperature ,because ESC temperature is very important for me,i have had Esc burn in flight,I still can’t display ESC real time temperature,does ESC temperature in the Stats?

Hi, DJI Goggles use telemetry, we don’t draw on screen so there’s no way for me to add new features, DJI has to roll out a new firmware for new features to be added, so no heading and no artifical horizon, complain with DJI :slight_smile:
ESC Temp in the stats is a good idea, I’ll add it.
About ESC telemetry there’s a bug in the code, good catch!
I created a PR to fix it

Hi yaapu, Thank you for the suggestion, I now have working MSP gps and baro. But for some reason, Ardupilot does not see the compass on the Matek M8Q-CAN. I think it might be due to my not selecting the right option on the custom build server, I just did msp sensors. Do you know which other one I have to select to get MSP, MSP_SENSORS ?


My build is the top one, pixhawk1-1m. One of the other 3 options perhaps does just the “msp” so I get both msp and msp_sensors?

thank you sir

You need to check MSP Sensors AND MSP Telemetry.
I created a PR to fix MSP dependencies in the build server so hopefully it will eventually be fixed

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Do we have any hope with Matek F405wing, f765 OSD on DJI v2 ?
Matek launching f765wing-wse and advertising DJI with ardupilot MSP OSD settings on the site.
Do we need to wait for new board ?

Hi, do you have a list or can we compile one of what works and what does not on Goggles V2, I do not own a kit so no way for me to test them.
Can you test the same setup on betaflight?

Yes I have tested f405 wing with betaflight and no osd.
I am not betaflight expert never used it, but did follow the online guides and able to configure the parameters and no osd.
I guess I am not the only one facing this issue.

Hi, I had a chat with caddx about this, there’s no such thing as an Air Unit V2: V1 and V2 Goggles use the same Air Unit and Air Unit Lite, exact same hardware and firmware, only the Goggles have been upgraded to a V2 version.
I suspect that we would have received way more reports of non working MatekF405 and F765 boards with the DJI Hardware if there was an issue with Air Units and ArduPilot, iNAV and Betaflight.
What’s interesting is that caddx does not have a record for such incompatibilities.
Now I’ not sure about how to handle this :frowning:

I have just tested my Air Unit fw 1.00.0606 with a MatekF405-Wing and it works, both with ArduPilot master 4.2dev and with ArduPlane 4.1 beta6.
Edit: works also on KakuteF7 and CubeOrange (H7)

BTW did you enable custom OSD in the goggles?
Did you manage to make your Air Unit ever work on anything, perhaps it’s defective?


Yes done everything as suggested in this thread and as per ardupilot guide.
My airunit is not caddx. using original dji airunit, bought it right before dji announcement of stop selling airunits.
Defective ? Yes could be, but hard to believe brand new sealed unit bought it from dji reseller store can be defective if no other users having same issue then probably the air unit.

One question: we have come to the stage where product defect is the cause of no OSD. Which one is more likely ?

  1. sealed pack dji airunit bought from dji reseller
  2. open box dji v2 googles sold by DJI store( DJI sold open box as they mentioned have one piece left and it’s the one separated from combo deal).

Sorry technically not sure which part is more responsible to show osd ? Airunit or the googles.

Thanks for your prompt response

i have f405wing, v1 goggles and one dji air unit with dji camera and second dji air unit with polar camera.
Both units show osd. i think you unit defective or wrong settings if you not have osd in BF too