MSP protocol support

Which specific boards?

Hello Alex,

Sorry for delay. Matek f4 wing, f7 h7 (please check old post) still same no osd on fpv googles.
Dji Fpv V2 googles.

Hi, I added multiple screens support and stats display, it needs some testing :slight_smile:

Support for multiple screens is similar to regular OSD, one has to enable the additional screens with OSDn_ENABLE and switch between them with one of the supported methods defined by OSD_SW_METHOD.

Stats needed a “hack”, when a user switches to a screen that has stats enabled with OSDn_STATS_EN = 1, the telemetry for speed, altitude, voltage, current and distance will report min/max values rather than instant values and the respective OSD items will be aligned using OSDn_STATS_X and OSDn_STATS_Y as a starting position.
The home distance OSD item will alternate every 2 seconds between max home distance and total traveled distance

The message text OSD item will report “STATS hh:mm” where hh:mm is the flight time and just like usual incoming status text messages will be shown with rolling text.


any volunteers to test all this?

link to the PR

YES! :grin:

Firmware for Matek F405-Wing and F765-Wing would be good. Preferably based on the current beta version.

Yaapu Hi, I added multiple screens support and stats display, it needs some testing

Hi buddy is this in DEV 4.10 ? or do i need to compile it ?

Hi Colin, you need to compile my PR from the link I posted, it will eventually be in dev soon

Hi @Target0815 Reinhard here you go

Please refer to the PR for more info on how to configure it

The OSD is OK,but I can’t get the airspeed to just display ground speed ,I don’t use airspeed sensor but use systhetic airspeed caculated by FC,I have set TECS_systhetic airspeed enable=1,ARSPD_TYPE=0.

good catch, max airspeed was not supported yet, now if you set OSDn_ASPEED_EN = 1 the stats screen will report max airspeed (either true or estimatyed), I updated the PR

Thanks yaapu,but I don’t quiet understand,could you explain more details about this,what’s max airspeed? Do you mean the stats will display max airspeed value? But it can’t be display the real time airspeed,can it display real time airspeed now since airspeed is very important value when flying

sorry, I thought you were testing the new stats screen feature! :frowning:

To get airspeed (true or estimate) to be shown on you goggles you need to enable both GSPEED to place the panel on screen and aspeed to override ground speed with airspeed

OSDn_GSPEED_X = xpos
OSDn_GSPEED_Y = ypos



Hi I was wondering if you would expect this to work, pixhawk1-1m connected to a Matek M8N-CAN via MSP? I couldn’t get it to see the GPS or mag after following the wiki, but the Matek site said modules before a certain date need a firmware upgrade for MSP to work and I think that may be the case with mine. But before I do that I was hoping to hear whether its expected to work. Thanks!

Hi, target Pixhawk1-1M has the “minimize features” flag set so MSP is disabled by default.
You need to use the custom firmware builder and select among the wanted features also the entire MSP tree

Check that you get the MSP_OPTIONS parameter.
If that does not work than you’ll need to update your matek gps to latest AP_Periph release


Thanks for working on getting msp OSD working. I’ve been using it for several months.
I was wondering why several of the digital OSD indicators don’t work/show up. Bearing and airspeed are some examples. I’m not using a compass or airspeed sensor, but (1.) I think ardupilot is estimating airspeed, so that should be shown, even if no airspeed sensor is present, (2.) even if no compass is present, GPS units still output a bearing, so that should be shown in the absence of a compass. Azimuth indicators don’t work as well, if I remember correctly. I think also the wind speed indicator doesn’t work for me (it’s completely blank / transparent). If I remember correctly, there are about 10 indicators that don’t show anything at all. Are there plans to fix any of them?

Thanks yaapu for making msp osd,I have test and found some values doesn’t support,it’s the wind speed and direction,ESC temperature。I have make sure both of the two values can be display in analog video transmitter,does I set wrong or another reason

Hi please refer to this updated wiki entry which is being updated waiting for the multiple screen functionality to be merged in master. Wind speed is supported, as well as ESC temperature, a recent patch changed the way we report ESC temperature telemetry to DJI hardware for DJI is not compliant with the MSP specs. now only the highest ESC temperature among all ESC is shown on the OSD

My plane only have one esc,but it can’t be display,any suggestion?Thanks and are you going to make more value support for msp OSD?the value supported is just the little part of the whole value.

Hello Alex
I also have a MATEK H743 SLIM
I’m new to ardupilot and I can’t handle the settings for DJI AIR UNIT
i can’t find MSP_OPTIONS on my board
and i don’t know how to deal with it i read everything but i can’t handle it
please guide me how to handle

PS. Sorry for my bad English

Look for OSD_ parameters and OSD_TYPE to begin with, then OSD1_ parameters

xfacta says fined in parameters OSD_TYPE = 3
then save then refresh parameters then OSD1_ parameters will show up