MSP protocol support


Here is the test result of MatekF405 wing.
Loaded With:
Betalight NO OSD ( unless i am doing something wrong, followed beta flight community guidelines.)
Arduplane: Same issue NO OSD.

Note sure but, the DJI airunit cable has 2 pin emtpy slot, not sure if its meant to be. ( total slots 8 but only 6 cables in use)

Few more issues recently i have faced, will open another thread to let community know:
If you flash with betalight or Inav and move to Ardupilot, bootloader will not flash and board will not boot( tried with different pc and same result). Has to manually flash the bootloader as per ardupilot guide and flash again with mission planner. Tested on Matek H743,Matek F765(INAV) and MatekF405-wing(betaflight, inav).

yes, V2 Goggle firmware displays OSD for Betaflight on my GEPRC drone with a Cadxx Vista VTX
Since F765 doesn’t support Betaflight, I’ve only tested INAV and Ardu


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Hello Rus,

Would you be happy to share the settings please.
I am using dji air unit not vista though.


My V2 goggles only display OSD from the GEPRC FC running betaflight though. I’ve never been able to get OSD out of F765.

Give me a day… my drone is not with me at the moment.

Only Betaflight setting I could find pertaining to OSD output to DJI on my babycroc is the use of UART1… besides turning OSD “on”.
So, not really helpful for the F765


Any solution yet ? No osd on V2 goggles. F4,F7 and H7.

Does not work for me either. Sometimes !FS! is displayed, when i try to switch radio off, and then something like fligh mode = 11 is shown. The message line works perfect, showing all the EKF info, arming, etc. But flight modes are not displayed.
One question, does it use the same DJI widget, but it’s represented by other arduplane paramters?
I have set it like below:


Maybe it’s cause of the problem?

Thank you so much for doing this work.

I’d like to ask about the positioning of on-screen elements. I have experimented a little and I see that position seems quantised to integer values. Is this “limitation” a consequence of the ArduPilot code you’ve developed, or the DJI firmware?

For example, I cannot place the crosshair perfectly dead centre. The closest I can get is (14, 8).

Thanks :slight_smile:

Hello All,

DJI released new firmware on 21/07/2021 for Airunit. Now version is same as googles one 1.00.XX.600.
And still no OSD.

That’s unfortunate. :frowning:

Hi. We talked about this issue few month earlier. If you want to display the flight modes you should enable the Wind speed osd parameter also. For me that was a solutuion.

Is it possible to get the flight data statistic screen to be diplayed on msp osd?

Check this:

Ahhh, sorry, I will llok into this asap, thanks for your patience :frowning:

not easy to achieve, DJI does not have a dedicated screen we can use. The one thing I thought about was to recicle OSD items and hack something together

…mhmm, actually I just tried and can’t replicate it :frowning:


Hi Alex, may I trouble you to make a MSP enabled build for Flywoo745 board? Thanks.


Chris that board should already have MSP, you need 4.1 beta or master

Is that right? Ok, let me try 4.1 beta firmware. Thank you!

Any solution yet ? Still no osd on Matek f4, f7.