MSP protocol support

Ok so we have a confirmed working setup. Could you post your parameters and ardupilot and goggles fw versions?

Board is an H743

13/07/2021 09:37:32 : Frame: QUAD/X
13/07/2021 09:37:32 : IMU0: fast sampling enabled 8.0kHz/2.0kHz
13/07/2021 09:37:32 : RCOut: DS600:1-4
13/07/2021 09:37:32 : QH7HV1-bdshot 00098010 31375106 3633393
13/07/2021 09:37:32 : ChibiOS: 08877972
13/07/2021 09:37:32 : ArduCopter V4.1.0-beta2 (112fa2e0)

Note: I have another drone running 4.1_beta4 with no issues.

QH7H-bdshot-Yappu.param (20.6 KB)

Goggle FW - there is an update available but I have not done that yet

I think this is the culprit

I’ll stay with the fw that’s on the goggles. Surprised that it would cause issue. But if that’s the only difference then yeah must be that.

the reports were about latest firmware, whatever that means :slight_smile:

Ok to prove the point I’ll update to latest 4.1_betaX and update the goggles to and test. Hopefully it will still work lol

that’d be great, thanks!

Goggles updated V01.02.0000

Need to update the drone to beta5 but I doubt it will stop osd working.

Working with 4.1_beta5
3/07/2021 21:49:13 : Frame: QUAD/X
13/07/2021 21:49:13 : IMU0: fast sampling enabled 8.0kHz/2.0kHz
13/07/2021 21:49:13 : RCOut: DS600:1-4
13/07/2021 21:49:13 : QH7HV1-bdshot 00098010 31375106 3633393
13/07/2021 21:49:13 : ChibiOS: 08877972
13/07/2021 21:49:13 : ArduCopter V4.1.0-beta5 (578caa6b)

ok, this proves that it works.
How custom is your custom H7? Does it have UARTS electrically “different” from off the shelf boards?
One last test you might want to run if possible at all would be to try an off the shelf board if you have one around, but you already did a lot :slight_smile:

@yaapu yeah I can do more testing, this is my hwdef

Electrically they should be the same. Mine just have less of everything so each user has its own DMA. Which may or may not be the reason.

And again same here, today I loaded the Arduplane 4.1. beta 3 on my Pixhawk 4 mini and on my F765-wing. I connected the OSD to rx7 and tx7 set all parameters correctly on the F765, and I also switched the tx and rx because… eh well you never know, but again nothing, no OSD at all.
Checked all the parameters again, yes correct and still not working.

On the Pixhawk 4 mini everything works like a dream and this is also an F7 board (STM32F765) that’s so weird. Maybe Ian know what to do?

Hi Ian,

Sorry to bother you again, but I have the following issue:

Today I loaded the Arduplane 4.1. beta 3 on my Pixhawk 4 mini and on my F765-wing. I connected the OSD to rx7 and tx7 set all parameters correctly on the F765, and I also switched the tx and rx because… eh well you never know, but again nothing, no OSD at all.

Checked all the parameters again, yes correct and still not working.

On the Pixhawk 4 mini everything works like a dream and this is also an F7 board (STM32F765) that’s so weird.

Do you know what to do and is it really still working on your F765-wing with Arduplane 4.1 beta 3?

Best regards,


Which board? I have a custom h765 I can test with.

For me it’s not working on the Matek F765-wing. What do you mean by “custom board”??

It just means it’s not in the main repo. A home made flight controller.

Hi guys,
I am facing an issue with the flight modes on my goggles. When I turn on ODD1_FLTMODE_EN it only shows !FS! when the transmitter is off. I don’t see MANUAL/STABILIZE and other modes.

I have the V01.00.0600 installed on my DJI goggles. I use ardupilot to emulate MSP (no arduino dongle).


Hi, this is the expected behaviour since the goggles cannot render ardupilot flightmodes.
what you’re looking for is OSD1_MESSAGE, we render both status text messages and flightmodes on the same OSD item

Hi yaapu

I turned on OSD1_MESSAGE_EN and it did not work… I do not see any flight mode.!

But some messages are displayed “EVENT OFF”

So this OSD1_MESSAGE_EN works but not for flight modes…

while there are status text messages you won’t see the flight mode unless you switch mode

I am switching modes but nothing is happening.