MSP protocol support

OK Please try the below this should resolve the issue, I have tested this on Cube Orange users

This does not appear to be working on the 765 Wing and I’m still playing with that.

Configure as per the wiki then

Turn of HW Flow control on the UART you are using.

For Serial 1 set BRD_SER1_RTSSCTS = 0

For serial 2 its BRD_SER2 ect.

This should get the OSD working.

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Hi Alex,

I’m not seeing the OSD_TYPE or MSP_OPTIONS in 4.1Dev on my Pixhawk v1. Any chance of a custom build or perhaps I’m doing something wrong? I set SERIAL4_PROTOCOL to 33, but no custom OSD is passing through. FYI… I’m also having the same non-working issue with Crossfire and telemetry on my Pixhawk v1.

Any help is appreciated.


I got the OSD working on the Pixhawk 4 mini, but only on serial1, because only on this UART have this option BRD_SER1_RTSCTS =0.

It’s not possible to make this work on other serial ports for now.

I don’t have a Pixhawk1, but the config for the Crossfire is pretty simple, set the serial port that is connected to the Nano RX baud rate to 57 and the protocol type to 2 (mavlink2)
Configure MavRX and MavTX in the Nano RX as protocol type, and set RC over Mavlink to on.
Be sure to connect rx and tx correctly on the Pixhawk and the Nano RX.

I also wonder when support for the Matek 3901-L0X will be in stable? In 4.1 maybe? Any roadmap?

Yes, 4.1 will have support for the Matek 3901

Ok I have got the Matek 765 wing working.

It’s the same as the Cube Orange however you need to note that Serial 1 is actually UART 7 on the FC. This caught me out when testing the other day. It’s working fine it’s just the UART layout is all over the place compared to the labelling as it’s a different setup.

So again configure as normal, but as H7 and F7 turn off HW Flow Control as per above and connect DJI to TX and RX7 on the FC.

So for the 765 Wing.

Configure Serial 1 = 33
Set Baud = 115
Set Osd_Type = 3

Connect to TX and RX 7 on FC.

This should get the OSD working.

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Still no luck, I’m using the carrier board with the cube orange, is the telem 2 serial 2?
What must the serial_pass2 setting be? Mine is set to -1osd dji.param (20.5 KB)

Telem 2 is serial 2.

You should simply set the port to 33, 115 baud and OSD type to 3. Then set the pram for flow control to 0 as o show for that port. Eg BRD_SER2_RTSSCTS = 0

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Get it to work!! For some reason it only want to work on telem 1, thought I just let you know, thank you for your work to make this possible!

@yaapu Hi Alex, the OSD is working now, but how about add correct OSD xy coordinates in the firmware just like the WIKI, the WIKI OSD is perfect.

Hello fellow FPV’ers!

For days now, I’ve been trying to get OSD from the F765 to show up on my DJI V2 goggles.
I’ve read through most of the discussion here and other ardu forums and even DJI forums.
I’ve watched all of Ian’s vids (nice stuff) and other F765 / Ardu / DJI vids.
I’ve set the parameters below (and various variations)
Configure Serial 1 = 33
Set Baud = 115
Set Osd_Type = 3
Connect to TX and RX 7 on FC
Turned on OSD in MP, turned on Custom OSD in goggles
Swapped Tx/Rx for good measure
I’ve tried it on serial2 as well.
tried different ground locations (some guys had success with this)
Goggles display vid great no OSD.
On a different craft, using betaflight, OSD works fine
Flashed several different stable and beta F765 firmware

Nothing works!

Potential issue: I’m using a longer camera cable on Air Unit (vid works great though)
I have not done a continuity test on telemetry cable (I know the power leads are good)
I’m running a BN880 and CRSF

Any ideas guys? Alex? Ian, from reading above it sounds like you got an F765 to output OSD to V2 Goggles? What have I missed?

Thanks in advance


I forgot to add… what Plane F765 firmware version has protocol 33?

All of the ones I’ve downloaded today only go up to 31:winch

Plane 4.0.9 - no 33
Plane 4.1.0 BETA - no 33
Plane Latest (July 9) no 33

Is there a branch I can use?

provided you used the right TX/RX pads, RX 7 and TX 7 for SERIAL1, your setup seems correct.
You need version 4.1, so either master (i.e. latest) or 4.1 betas. Just serial SERIAL1_PROTOCOL = 33 even though the GCS does not have it as an option

Same issue here. No OSD to v2 DJI goggles
Today i have checked as per MADRC advised and nothing works. Tested on both H743 & F765.
Tried all the firmware’s and no OSD.
See attached PARAMtest-matekf765-dji-osd-4.1-ardu-beta.param (20.1 KB) hope i am not doing any mistake.

Tested serial 1 with 3dr radio and successfully connected the mission planner, so port is working ok( if select mavlink) not sure about MSP.

Sorry i don’t have betalight compatible board. Ardu user from last 7 years.
Hope it will fix soon


I’m really impressed you responded to my email! You must get so many questions from so many people. Thank you for responding!

I have tried everything you suggested. Perhaps my FC is not outputting OSD telemetry correctly. Any suggestions on how to test that?

I’d load betaflight on the board but the F765 is not compatible.

I’m going with audible telemetry on my radio for now…. And timers

Thanks again

Russ Henning

Thanks for the info Sunny!
I’m glad I’m not the only one because it kind of confirms I’m not crazy. I found a few others that are having the same issue too. Same problem in INAV BTW which is why I switched to Ardu. I spent days consulting the INAV gurus…. Tried everything…. No good.

Good luck

Russ Henning

Do we have any evidence that the same V2 firmware version works at all on betaflight or anything else?

Today I have ordered the Matek f405 wing board. Will arrive in 2days. Will test with beta flight and ardu to check if it’s DJI v2.

Update you soon Alex.

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OSD works on my DJI goggles v2 on a custom H7

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