mRo Pixracer Pro! New Autopilot in a standard form factor

Because the Ardupilot community asked for it. Here’s the new mRo Pixracer Pro with tons of functionalities.

4 years after the original mRo Pixracer was designed and proven mRobotics recognized the need to bring the design to the forefront of open source flight controllers.

With the mRo Pixracer Pro mRobotics maintained everything that the community loved about the original mRo Pixracer and improved every deficiency that was known. The resulting fight controller is destined to become the new goto flight controller for developers and a rock solid foundation for commercial and industrial systems.

Check out all the specs:

Main Processor: 32-bit STM32H743IIK6 Cortex M7 RISC core with FPU 460 MHz
IO Processor: No
RAM: 1024 KB RAM
Flash: 2 MB FRAM
Crypto / Hash Processor: No
Accelerometers / Gyros / Mags: Yes
Invensense/TDK ICM-20602 (6DOF)
Invensense/TDK ICM-20948 (9DOF)

Sensors - Dampened: Bosch BMI088 (6DOF) (internally vibration dampened)
Internal Magnetometer: AK09916 inside ICM-20948
B arometric Pressure Sensor: DPS310
Interfaces and Protocols

6x UART (serial ports) [2x with HW flow control,1x FRSky Telemetry (D or X types), 2x General Purpose & 1x GPS+I2C].
1x PPM sum input signal
8x PWM outputs (all DShot capable)
1x RSSI (PWM or voltage) input
1x I2C
1x SPI
2x CAN
1x JTAG (TC2030 Connector)
3x Ultra low noise LDO voltage regulator
Supported RC input protocols:
Spektrum DSM / DSM2 / DSM-X® Satellite compatible input and binding.
Futaba S.BUS® & S.BUS2® compatible input.
FRSky Telemetry port output.
Graupner SUMD.Yuneec ST24.


-External USB-C

Pin Headers: Yes - 8 Servo
Conformal Coating: No
Extended Testing and Burn In: No
Custom Carrier Board Support: No
LED: Yes (Tricolor)
Dimensions: Width: 36mm (1.42”) / Length: 36mm (1.42”)
Weight: 11.56g (.40 oz)
Mounting Holes: 4mm holes at 31.5mm spacing, Silicone grommets for m3 screws
Protector Case: No

[Quality] and Typical Platforms [High-End]
-Automatic Tractors


I’ve done a test fly with this new board…, the fly was smooth and stable.
During the fly i don’t have saw too much spikes due barometric change.
The dual CAN BUS ports give you a good option if you need can applications…you can connect directly a can periph or with a can node you can convert an i2c or UART periph into a CAN periph.
The form factor of the board is good, and it can be use in medium of big frames.

I love my pixracers, this one promises great with eight outputs

Anyone know where to connect the buzzer and safety switch on the pro. I can’t find anything in the documentation nor anything about the heat sink.

Buzzer is onboard and safety switch is CAN only.

No hardware safety pin, CAN safety switch only

Hey Dave.
Ya I did some more reading and found the info on the buzzer. Thats not a big deal for me.
But I don’t get how the safety switch is implemented via Can. How is it wired up, I assume a can adapter is needed but I have never seen a switch connection on them

This would do it.

I really like this board and have a few of them there is a small speaker on the board like the zero and it will arm by software after you place it level and not move it as well as what Dave said.

I see so there is no ability to connect a safety switch to a can adapter or kitcan. Just leverage whats on the GPS in this case the Location one.
Ok well I am not putting this gps on my hexa and the quad that has one has a canopy so no access to the switch. Not a big deal, I just want to make sure I do this upgrade right.


What about any functions like perhaps ESC calibration that may need the safety switch to be pressed.

Good question if you use Dshot it will auto cal Yay! if not the FC will auto arm once sitting still. so you do it like you normally do for PWM.

I use Dshot and so I believe it just calibrates so I don’t’ need to worry.
I assume you don’t mean the machine is ARMed and ready to fly. Rather is in a config passed state and ready to be armed with the down and right stick movement.

this is nice as well no need to map like you do no the x2.1

Perhaps you can use a CAN Node like the Mro board.
And board schematic:

Someone else will have to come along and confirm that, I’m not seeing a labeled input on the PAD’s

You would simply Arm/Disarm as usual. I have many boards w/o a safety switch input. I don’t use them on the boards that do anyway.

Not needed to change the arm configs prams just plug in the battery and place it on the ground. however if the bird is moving around as you plug the battery in mine does not arm as far as i know.

There is a very small switch on the Location one for arming but i never used it.

Yea, I don’t use them either. When one of the previous Dev’s made the comment that it didn’t make any sense to reach thru props to press the “enable props to spin” switch it resonated with me. Sure, I know the GPS mounted switches are usually out of harms way but I still don’t see the point.

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Yea I agree i must say there have been times i needed to power down after a issue where the power cord was out of reach lol

Ok thanks all.
I will just config the machine with no switch on the pixracer pros and the ones with regular pixracer I can keep the switch.
I will need to fill the hole on one canopy that no longer needs a safety switch but thats not the end of the world.

I confess I never liked this either. Just watching the blades twitch for that split second always made me uncomfortable.