I have observed that with the update from MP 1.3.70 to 1.3.71, the mission planner does not read my .param files correctly.
If I have a “.” as decimal separator, it works as before. It does not work when I use the german standard of “,” as decimal separator (this is a windows-setting).
Until MP 1.3.70 this setting didn’t matter.
The danger is when existing .param files are overwritten or new ones created: Insetad of e.g. AHRS_COMP_BETA: 0.1, the file has AHRS_COMP_BETA: 1.
All floating point values are losing the decimal separator and end up completely junking the parameters file.
If such a parameter set gets uploaded to a FC, anything can happen.
Is this a bug or is this just an oversight on my part?