MP and SITL operation

Hey, I am almost there.

I actually caused a simulaton to happen but I cannot repeat the sim. I know I pushed the"RestartMission" button and it happened.

I have set my home position to where I live.

I can now setup the plan, save the file, and then reload it. But…
How do I start the sim? Under Actions I select Mission Start, I attempt to Arm the system . I get a prompt" do you want to start the sim" I say yes but nothing happens as the system is “DISARMED”. I am wonder. I get a message that “Auto mode is not armmable” what do I do? I also get a msg about Auto mode requires a position.

Anyway, any help getting this to run would be appreciated.

Let me sort of reset and explain my current issue.

I would like to execute a simple simulation using MP.

I have moved the home position to where I want it.
I can make a plan, save the file, and reload it. See image.
When I go to SITL I select “stable”, and select my vehicle (drone)

How do I execute the file? I am getting mixed up here. What is the deal about Arming"? I arm and then click take off and get errors that I do not understand. I recall something about " start in AUTO mode". Anyway I am stuck here

Is my plan OK? What is the next step

See my post above regarding auto missions. Set the bitmask per the screenshot.

Write the mission. Switch to AUTO mode. Arm.

Get rid of the GUIDED_ENABLE command unless you’re trying to do some advanced nav with a companion computer.

Are you talking about your post that starts…

To simply run an AUTO mission with no joystick, set the following AUTO_OPTIONS:

I do not even know where AUTO_OPTIONS are located.

Can you hold my hand a bit more please?

I think if I got a single sim to work I can go from there.
Like I said earlier, at one time I got a sim to work but have no idea what buttons made it happen. It was some combination of AUTO, Arm, rrestart mission, and ???

It makes perfect sense to me that the “plan” should state what happens like, take off, fly to waypoint 1, return to launch. This seems logical to me. However the other options are unclear to me.

Thanks for helping me.

What is the bitmap??

I have watched a number of you tube videos and still do not understand.

Get used to working in the Full Parameters List. Many Youtube videos are bullshit unless it’s from a Ardupilot Dev.

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OK, I still am confused. What is the sequence.??

Press PLAN and load waypoint file. OK
Press the drone icon
Wait for SIKTL to load.
The “head up window” says disarmed

NOw what? There are a nukmber of "Boxes that I assume are actions.

If I press ARM the disarm goes to ARM.
Then I right click “take odff”

Nothing happens.

Do I have an issue with my altitudes?

In a million years, how would I know to go to “Full parameter list”> Auto_options> and enter what you say? Where is all of this documented? It is really hard to fine.

BTW, I have ordered a H7 flight control board. I hope it installs easily.

After saving the Mission go to the Actions tab on the Data Screen. Arm it, Switch to Auto Mode (big green button) and with the Do Action pull down select Mission Start then Do Action.
This will run a Mission from default parameters w/o changing anything.

Use this new tool called Google search I mentioned:
Search for “Mission Planner Simulation”
What’s at the top of the list?

Sorry Dave, those instructions do not work.
Where is the “big green button” I see a lot of green boxes, about 20 of them. One is labeled Arm/Disarm. Is this the one?

Where does “Loigter Unlim” 0(Home), AUTO,and Retracted come from. What should I retract?Very non-intutive.

Why does my path indicate a triangle when all I want to do is to take off, go to A, return, Shoulod be a single line?

You have a lat/long inputted for takeoff and RTL - make those 0.

So return to launch should also be 0, yes?

Yep 0 will mean return back and land to where you armed the aircraft.

Should I select relative or absolute?

Depends on what you want. Relative means the altitude is relative to arming point - absolute is relative to sea level.

This is all very well documented in several places - please take at least a couple minutes to look for the answer on your own.

At one point, when I tried to take off, I got a error msg about “there starting position” or something like that. So, I figured I would give it a starting position.

Believe me, I have been reading.

It’s the big green button that says… Auto.
I don’t know how much simpler I can explain it. Arm it (ARM/DISARM button), Switch to Auto Mode (Auto Button), Use the pull down menu to the left of the Do Action button and select Mission Start. Then hit the Do Action button. A dialog box will open asking if you want to start the mission. Hit Yes and away it goes.

If you monkeyed with the parameters you should probably set it back to default. A mission will run on default parameters with no changes. From the Full Parameters list hit the Reset to Default button and then restart the Copter simulation.

I assume you mean that greenish yellow square located in the mase of other square buttons yes? If not, mine does not have a big green button.

I have succeeded in doing a guided mode simulation today. Next I will learn doing a mission.

I’m looking at the big green button on the screen shot you posted :confused: