Motor armed but not rotate (param attached)

MOT_SPIN_ARM set to 0 for safety reason so motors do not spin when armed. Have been doing this over 7-8 years ago when I first used Ardupilot.
I did not touch this setting and he quad works alright with this setting for many years.

Anyway, I just tried setting MOT_SPIN_ARM to 0.03, and as expected, did not help.

Thank you for yr help.


This usually means that the ESC is getting power but no signal. Strange that all 4 motors are doing that. Is it a constant beep? Are these ESCs PWM or Dshot?

It is constant beep. ESCs are all pwm. I agree that beeping means no signal received, but I got the green bars of all 4 motors moving in Servo output page as I increase throttle after arming.

An easy ESC+motor test is with a servo tester. Feed it with the ESC with 5V output. Start with minimum pulse or no propellers.

See my post on calibration:

What are you referring to as Spin Rate?

Seems this posting is not related to my original question with title “Motor armed but not rotate”.

I talking about arm spin rate that people think needs setting when installing BLHeli_S that is not spinning after arming.

If you calibrate correctly no need to change any setting.

I am giving you some intell that will fix your problem.

Regardless of the ESC firmware or protocol used the MOT_SPIN_MIN parameter should be set as per the “Setting the Motor Ranges” Wiki guide and detailed in the Tuning Blog Post your fellow Developer @amilcarlucas directs users to everyday. Are you suggesting these guided are wrong?

Something is wrong do you think i need to set arming spin rate in motor test so high it generates an error? My thinking is The BLHeli_s is broken and the best way to calibrate as I have described. That’s the same way i got Tim running. Also the calibrate wiki is now wrong as well. Dave If you need hardware to test on your bench I will ask that you get approval. Proposals - ArduPilot Discourse

BTW I more than happy to vote for you and x as fellow Developer.

I have just tried 3 different ways to calibrate the ESCs on my quad,All-at-once calibration, Manual ESC-by-ESC Calibration and Semi Automatic ESC-by-ESC Calibration. All these fail to start the motors after they are armed.

For the Manual ESC-by-ESC Calibration, I detached each ESC from the FC, ie Tx > Rx >ESC> Motor. And after calibration, motors can spin. But after connecting all ESCs back to the FC, same thing happened…motors do not rotate after armed.

Please be reminded that in Servo Output page of MP, the pwm green status bars for the 4 motors progress from left to right as I increase the throttle, meaning there is signal output from the FC to all ESCs, so I don’t think the problem is related to ESC calibration.

I also updated the fw from AC v4.4.1 to v4.4.4. But this does not help.
The param is re-attached for whoever can offer help to trouble shoot this very weird scenario.
Thank you,
Quad param__armed_not rotate.param (17.4 KB)

Can you show us a picture of your setup?

Can you check to see if your servos are activated? I have noticed a small bug that after a frame selection they can show they are are not activated. Simply redo the frame type or select the servos and select motor1 motor2.

" And after calibration, motors can spin." did you have to increase Spin when armed ?

Not sure did you say what ESC are you currently using?

My guess is the issue is these settings:


What are the individual ESCs set to?

I think I have some BLHeli_S ESC’s around somewhere, I’ll check it out. Did you say you did or did not flash them with Blujay firmware?

I was not able to. but let’s try that after we test stock. What I am seeing is a incomplete calibration right now with a new BLHeli_S. that needs a Radio calibration to work correctly.

Photo of setup is attached :–

I unplugged one of the ESCs (the one with +5v is left connected to Pixhawk output) from Pixhawk output and in it place, I plugged in a servo and arm the FC, servo is not activated when advancing throttle.

Also re-did the frame type… changed it to other frame type and changed back to quad again, to no avail.

Yes, after Manual ESC-by-ESC Calibration, I did increase the throttle after armed, and motors spin, that is by-passing FC.

I also re-do Radio Calibration. But it did not help.

ESC are clone no-name brand. All the signs show that problem is not related to ESCs and calibration. I have been using these settings for over 4-5 years. Since the last flight couple of months ago, I did not change any setting.

I enabled the Arming Check (it had been disabled) to see what message may give a hint. Attached is a screen shot showing the message tab after arming. One message is “_MAX”, not preceded by Prearm. Any idea what this is ?

Appreciate yr help.

Hi Andy,
I have tried MOT_PWM_MAX set to 2000 and _MIN 1100, but did not change anything.

I swear theses setting of 2006 and 982 were working before.

“what are the individual ESCs set to” . Not sure which param in the MP you are referring to ?

Param re-attach for your convenience :–
Quad param__armed_not rotate.param (17.4 KB)

Thank you.

What flight controller, motors and ESC are you using?

Hi andy,

FC is Pixhawk 2.4.8. Motors are Topseed S2313 920KV. ESCs are clone.

If you refer to my previous messages in this thread, I indicated that after Manual ESC-by ESC Calibration, and bypassing the FC, using the same Rx and Tx,
motors can spin. Also in the normal setup, after arming, advancing the throttle will progress all the 4 PWM status bars from left to right in the Servo Output page of MP,
but motors did not spin and ESCs keep on beeping.

These are strong hints that motors and ESCs are working normal. Once they pass through the FC, then this weird scenario occurs.

Thank you for yr support.