Motor are not working properly

Pixhawk 2.4.8

Hi all,

I am new in this uav field. I made a quad copter. I have followed all the steps all calibration is done but when i calibrate esc after that i check . when i give the throttle 3 motor are working at same time but 1 motor is not working.

please let me know about this regarding .

Hello @Musharaf welcome to the community,

Are you doing that without props, on the ground?

Have you read How to methodically tune (almost) any multicopter using ArduCopter 4.4.x section 2.16 already?

Yes i have read that whole procedure

Please do answer all the questions.

yes i am doing without props on the ground,

Section 2.16 explicitly explains that those tests do not work and that the results will probably never be what you expected.

Please read it again.

Thanks for your help motors are properly working at same time.