Mission planner not showing stick moving when we move sticks in Transmitter

Hi i am Darshit123.When i was calibrating RC mission planner was not showing the RC sticks moving when we move in transmitter.Please help me with this problem.I also reinstalled mission planner.I am using APM 2.8 in my copter.I am using Avionic RCB 6i transmitter for my copter.Please help me with problem and reply.Thank you.


This is obsolete and should be replaced with a Flight Controller that will run current Stable Arducopter.
But, post a photo of how you have the Receiver connected to the flight controller.

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Thank you for help.But actully i have solved this problem by changing the mode 0 to 2.It was changed to mode 0 as defualt in transmitter by mistake.When i was checking the solution in setting then i found this problem solution.Thank you for helping me.I thinked you also helped in in my last topic that copter not taking off and we are close to that solution of flying stable.Becuase i have uploaded a new firmware and this one seems to be perfect i think we are near to be perfect.Thank you


darshit, this indicates that your receiver is not hooked up to your flight controller correctly, assuming the flight controller is not defective. Hence dkemxr wants you to show a picture of your connection from your receiver to the fc to troubleshoot what is wrong.

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This problem is solved the mission planner is detecting the sticks and i calibrated rc and all perfectly.everything is working now fine.if you want the photo of connections i can sent them to you?thank you