Mission Planner does not display battery voltage

Hello, I have a 1800 mah 6S battery. When I connect in Mission Planner, the voltage of the battery is 0 in red. I also get the “battery 1 below minimum arm voltage” prearm error. what can I do? Also my battery is connected to pixhawk 4. What should I choose in the battery calibration section? Calculated battery voltage and amperage show 0

Hello Maria,

Have you correcty setup your Battery Monitor Parameters? Or do you even have a proper current/voltage measurement device like a mauch sensor hall or a power module?

Please take a look on it:

And take special care in the assignment of the pin you are using to measure your battery voltage and current, if they are misconfigured you will always see zero there.

Thank you very much, I did what you said. I measured the voltage and entered the value but it is not accepting. Still zero unfortunately.

If possible, upload your parameter list, so we could check if some parameter is wrong.

I have the same issue. Only connect MP through USB can display battery voltage, but not work if connection via telemetry.
But the telemetry log has voltage data.
FC, Omnibus F4 PRO

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Maria, did you manage to solve your issue? best. António

How you found a solution yet

Use old Mission planner 1.3.76. I’m not sure why but with an old mission planner you will get back the voltage.

That is not good advice.
A better advice is

  • update to the latest mission planner version.
  • make sure the voltage monitor is connected correctly to the FC
  • make sure voltage monitor is correctly configured in the FC
  • make sure you have not messed the telemetry datarates and configuration.

When unsure use the ardupilot methodic configurator software and follow it’s simple and clear instructions to the letter. Some users find the instructions too simple and decide to not follow some of them. Don’t. Follow all instructions no matter of simple or complicated.

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