Looking for assistance with Mission Planner w/ Dragonlink TX/RX and Bluetooth connection. Mission planner fails to make a complete connection. After weeks of alternate equipment changes and software changes…MissionPlanner consistently displays “unarmed” and “internal error”. It appears that most sensors are working, altitude, ground speed, mapping, etc, Obtaining a clean connection free f bugs is impossible. Looking for any direction. Thanks.
Check this link https://diydrones.com/profiles/blogs/dragon-link-v3-advance-system-connect-to-mission-planner-via-blue
I have personally not played with the Bluetooth option yet. probably in next few days as its on my list. So keep me posted what you learn and maybe we can together can fix this problem.
Why not just use USB cable?
USB Cable is a great idea. However, in the field you are tied to where ever the MP display is located. I have a ten-foot USB and have not tried that as of yet. I am very puzzled over the failure of the BlueTooth. I have tried multiple Dragonlink TX’s and RX’s. At least three different laptops, two Tablets. It does work somewhat on my Samsung S8 phone. I must be missing something somewhere. Thanks for responding.
I neglected to indicate I have witnessed an alternative program similar to MP that is USB dependent only. It very simply provides a digital marker on what appears to be Google Earth or similar. NO other sensors but works flawlessly and is as fast as you need it to be. I’m sure it’s open-source and probably free…that would solve most people’s issues with MP. If I can come up with it I’d be happy to email it to you.
Read this thread page 1 and page 2. https://diydrones.com/profiles/blogs/dragon-link-v3-advance-system-connect-to-mission-planner-via-blue
It explains what the problem is. I think its the baud rate issue.
Thank you. I have read that and re-read it several times. I have used every baud rate available to Dragonlink and MP. I have pretty much given up ever finding a solution. I have witnessed MP operating in the manner designed only once. It was impressive. I think I live in a high magnetic field area and RF noise is just overwhelming. Thats just a gut feeling.
What kind of BT module is yours?
I am using a BT05 since long and it works under every condition. MP / QGC on pc and on my simple smartphone, QGC.
The baut rate has to be set to 57600…
I tested a BLE module, but my OS (win10) does not work with such a module.
Ok I will play around with it in next few days and lets see what happens.
I generally use an HP 15 inch Laptop and the Dragonlink advanced TX. I do not seem to have any issues with BT connection.
Greetings. I have been able to get all of Mission Planner working with bluetooth…with the single exception of the “DISARMED” display that overlays the horizon/speed/altitude meter. Everything seems to be in working order. Pretty impressive. Any thoughts as to why the “DISARMED” logo fails to disappear?
I can only assume that since this remains visible something is not functioning properly even though I don’t know what it is.