Mission Planner Android

Hi Karl, I will test this using MK15 Siyi radio, I will return soons,

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Noticed in a recent Android version of MP the fault messages that used to pop up when trying to use RTSP as a gstreamer source, are gone.
There is now a test screen image poping up instead, but still no video stream.

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Respected @Michael_Oborne Sir,
Huge respect for your contribution towards community.

Requested Heading Hold Option in Android Version of Mission Planner.
That one small option can be very useful for community.
Kindly add that option, if possible, in android apk .

A new observation:
Never tried Follow Me Mode before. So today attempted this just for testing purposes and found there appears only one location update coming through when first connecting to GPS within MP. ( Screen where GPS source, baudrate and update frequency is selected)

  • This is on Android 9 within SIYI MK.

Not a great deal as I don’t usually use it anyway but just saying for the benefit of other users.

Any update on Joystick support? I recently got an Android Backbone One and would love to be able to use it in Mission Planner.

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Version 112346 with USB Sik Radio, Android 12 and 13, Mi11 and oneplus 9 pro

I think a statement like that should resolve the issue.

int flags = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.S ? PendingIntent.FLAG_MUTABLE : 0;
PendingIntent.getBroadcast(mAppContext, 0,

pushing a new build now on Google Play


Thank so much for the quick response. It works now as previous.


Last night trying new exprement Telemtry + Bluetooth
But facing new issue Android mp not working via bluetooth

Pc mission planner

Pc mp work via bluetooth

Yesterday before Android mp reinstall via bluetooth working ok
And after reinstalling, not working via bluetooth
Port selection tab bluetooth is not visible, some settings from me miss ?

Android mission planners

Thankful to mission planner Android, traditional RC becomes “smarter”.

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Well, I tried …

Guess I can’t send anything back to you Frank.
This air unit was mailed last Apr 7th.

2nd time something was returned.

I need help to build mission planner for android. I cannot find any relevant discussion or guide. Any kind of help or guidance is appreciated.

Just install it from here: https://play.google.com/store/search?q=missionplanner&c=apps

@Lorbass1 Thanks but I need help to build a customized version of mission planner for android.

I believe it is already mentioned.

Android code.

Hi Karl,

Any news about rtsp video using MP android ?

Thank you

To be honest having been able to fly lately due to a dead battery.
But just connected it to a plug-pack and found same as before: A test screenshot comes up but nothing else.

Maybe someone else on here has had more luck with it.

What dongle are you using connected to phone?

any USB Sik Radio, example 1, example 2.


Hi, apols if this has been answered previously
Android MP is working brilliantly on my Galaxy S20 Ultra thanks.
Joystick - is it supported and not working for me, or not supported, not working.
thanks in advance. (btw stunned it supported all the rtk/ntrip stuff)