I would like to use missions in an indoor environment with vision positioning. I found and use vision_position_estimate message to send position data to the UAV. My problem is that message only use for local positoning, but missions only supports global frames.
Anyone can offer any solution to use missions in this case?
Then you need a indoor positioning system. And program it to translate the indoor position into global position and inject into the FC.
Thank you for your answer. Could you recommend a mavlink message to send the translated position as global position?
Because I’ve already have the system that can tell local position. My problem is that I can not find a message which tranfer global position data.
I think here is a link you might want to look at Copter Commands in Guided Mode — Dev documentation
Thanks for your answer, but I found that earlier and I used it. Now I’m curious about there is anyway I can use missions in an indoor environment, because missions only use global frames, but I only can send local position data as I know.
Most indoor position or Non-GPS position is relative, If you need position in gloal world frame like GPS, then I think an indoor beacon system might help. I don’t know if there is any new/advanced technology out there. I think it should be some think like this Pozyx for Non-GPS Navigation — Copter documentation
The beacon system will help to translate relative postion to global position like GPS.
Thank you. I will go after that.
Hope this helps
You need to send as gps message. Using mavlink. It’s as if the drone is reading a gps position.