Missing parameters in QGroundControl

The new PSC_ACCZ_? parameters are not present using the latest arducopter firmware (stable) and qgroundcontrol. Is there a way to get the correct list installed? I will open an issue on github but Im looking for a faster fix.

Just use the latest beta of missionplanner ( http://firmware.ardupilot.org/Tools/MissionPlanner/beta/MissionPlannerBeta.zip )…most new parameters are implemented there…missionplanner will keep up over all when 3.6.0 stable release has been done. Be patient!
If you dont want to use the missionplanner beta the settings are all accesable through the full parameter list. Just type in the parameters youre looking for (Name changes can be found in the realease notes of arducopter 3.6.0 https://github.com/ArduPilot/ardupilot/blob/master/ArduCopter/ReleaseNotes.txt
Normaly with the 3.5.7 firmware these parameters should be present in the stable release of missionplanner. Dont know at what time qgroundcontrol keeps up.

I assume you mean ArduCopter 3.5.7 ?

Are you using which version of QGC? 3.4.1?

The PSC_ parameters do not exist in the lastest stable firmware. You have to change to Copter 3.6 (beta) to get those parameters.

Yes, it’s 3.5.7, and the latest daily build of QGroundControl. I’ll reload the firmware and see if the issue goes away. Something got mixed up somewhere, I have used APM2, MP, and QGC.

reflashing fixed it.

Sorry, but the issue is back again. I think QGC is not checking the version on the tuning screen, I’ll create an issue on GQC.

If you are using 3.5.7 you are not going to see any PSC_ parameters at all. They do not exist in 3.5.7.

On the tuning screen they are listed as missing at the top , even with 3.5.7. Issue #6832 for qgc/