Missing Arming Check bitmask



So as long as Terrain is enabled, the corresponding arming check will always be active? As mentioned I always used to have error messages (in flight) on craft with Terrain enabled (NO TERRAIN DATA) even though the data was there and Terrain worked before. So in case this now also prevents arming, it wouldn’t be a bad thing to be able to deselect that check.

On the other hand however, I don’t absolutely need Terrain, so I might as well switch it off, at least where I usually fly.

Thanks a lot! (some more characters)

I can’t get the Bitmask checkbox popup window to appear. What is the secret?
I am using MP 1.3.81 build 1.3.8741.25556 on June 28, 2024.
I tried double clicking on every box in the ARMING_CHECK row in MP Full Parameter List. NO POPUPs are popping up. No pull-down menu either. No helpful list in Desc of all the bits in the mask to see what their values are in powers of 2.
I have a number I chose long ago when this popup was working and I want to see if I need to change what is selected.
Please point me to a solution. Forgive me if it is in this thread but I did not see it.

This one?


No secret, re-install Mission Planner.