Maximum telemetry, short range

Just a simple forward FYI: Trying to understand ExpressLRS/ELRS and Mavlink

I’ll check tomorrow to see if there is any links available. As I’m thinking about setup a MAVLink over ELRS module also.


For the below steps, when a UART connection is mentioned, it will be written as SERIALx. Replace x with the UART number you are using.

  1. Configure SERIALx_PROTOCOL=2, SERIALx_BAUD=460, and RSSI_TYPE=5
  2. Connect the TX module to the computer running the Ground Control Station via a USB cable
  3. Select the COM port on the GCS, and connect using 460800 baud

I haven’t tested yet, but I think 460800 is quite fast compared to 3DR 433 telemetry module (57600 ).