Hello everyone,
I’m a newcomer to both ROS2 and Ardupilot, I apologize in advance for my most likely lack of understanding of the problem.
while running a SITL simulation with gazebo,ros2 and mavros(the zephyr simulation provided in the tutorial), i am unable to modify the rc channels through my python script using mavros.
I manage to change them in mavproxy (for eg: rc 3 1900), but if i try to publish in the mavros/rc/override nothing happens.
I found this that, to my understanding, suggests to modify the launch files. I modified apm.launch and node.launch setting system_id = 255 and component_id = 240
Unfortunately this did not resolve my issue, and while running my custom ros2 node I am still unable to make rc/override work.
If i run ros2 param list, I can see that system_id and component_id are parameters of /mavros/mavros, but not of /mavros/mavros_node . However, I have no understanding of what that is or if that is a problem.
I would be immensely grateful if anyone could help me!