Mavlink to FrSky S.Port Passthru Converter for LRS or PX4 Pro

Hey Yak-man

Did you upgrade Arducopter to 4.0?

got it working had to re flash the teensy with Mav2PT_v2.50
i am using 4.0.1 chopper

i have just finished removing Frsky X8R receiver and replacing it with RFD900x on the S-bus on a chopper

Ah, ok. Do you get good rssi before you connect to MP, or dummy 69%. See David’sposts above.

i never been able to get rssi working with rfd900x

The newer mav2pt should select mavlink message type #109 for SiK firmware radios (like RFD900). Could you try #define Debug_Rssi, but flash

(v2.51 2020-01-18 Make default rssi 69% for SiK radios, like RFD900x. PR by Hasi123 ) or later version.

EDIT. We noticed that the SiK rssi message is not injected into the mavlink telemetry stream until MP connects.

ok Mp jumps to 241 every 3 sec and here is the putty log and the config.h i (10.6 KB)

( Ah, ok. Do you get good rssi before you connect to MP, or dummy 69%. )
just get before MP dummy 69%

putty.log looks good. You immediately get good #109 messages, with rssi = 99% or 98%., so you were already connected to MP. Before MP connection you get dummy 69%, as per the Has123 PR.

At this time we don’t know how to prompt Ardupilot /Flight Computer to immediately send rssi for the RFD900, other than send it GCS heartbeats.

I do send heartbeats out of mav2pt up to FC (to kickstart it :slight_smile: ), but then you must connect the mav2pt mavlink tx pin to FC rx pin, and it cannot be shared with the TXMOD.

The alternative is to flash the TXMOD with mav2PT (the esp8266 version). You can flash it using the TXMOD OTA, and it works, I tried it.

what version of the esp8266 should use and how do you compile it ?
if not to hard

or i may start all over build one with esp32 and O led

Select Tools/Board/ like this


Choose Fr_txPin here to suit yourself:

#elif (Target_Board == 4) // ESP8266 Platform
#if (ESP8266_Variant == 1) // Node MFU 12F

#define MavStatusLed  D0        // Mavlink Status LED
#define BufStatusLed  99        // None

// D4 // TXD1 - Debug log out
#define FC_Mav_rxPin D9 // RXD0 default
#define FC_Mav_txPin D10 // TXD0 default
#define Fr_rxPin D5 // GP10 SPort - Not used in single wire mode
#define Fr_txPin D6 // GPIO SPort - Use me
#define SCL D1 // I2C OLED board
#define SDA D2 // I2C OLED board

You could use it with or without OLED.

With the ESP8266 you don’t need an outboard inverter/converter. It’s done on the board, like a Teensy

i will try and do TXMOD first why i wait for the esp to turn up

Cool. You can always flash the TXMOD firmware back.

what version should i use for TXMOD v2.51 ?

Use the latest v2.54b

what is the default log for MAV2PT Login

User ID

but it is working lol


Username admin
Password mav2pt

Tar working fine
is that in the config.h file ?

Yes. #define otaPassword