Mavlink to FrSky S.Port Passthru Converter for LRS or PX4 Pro

You have made good progress. Nice!

Remember, sending and receiving port numbers must match. Try switching udp port numbers around (on one side only :slight_smile: ). Use UDP Monitor on Android to debug.

And try the T-Display-S3

Hi @Eric_Stockenstrom,

Hope all is well. My repeater is working well for my flying but I have a few things I am wondering about.

Google Photos

Its ESP32 Devkit V4 based. It will not rollover to to AP – I do not generally use AP anyway. It just reboots endlessly when it cannot start in STA mode. I have the startWiFipin set to -1, which I assume is correct. Any idea’s why this would be so? Been through the specs and def not using anything other than permitted GPIOs in my pin mappings.

My LRS keeps RSSI at whatever the last reading was when it drops – not sure if that is a DL issue. This does mean the telemetry freezes and gives no indication of the loss of telemetry. After missing a certain number of mavlink packets should it not default to zero readings? Again not really an issue because the lack of an horizon movement means it is obvious that there is no telemetry.

Hi Marc

I have done the following:

I added this in config.h new line 184;

#define Rssi_Blink_threshold 10 // display blink when <=

The display will blink when rssi drops below the threshold (in this case 10). Change it to your preferred value.

If the mavlink heartbeat is lost, the rssi value is set to 0

Blinking display

Also, try this one time to reset your eeprom memory

#define RESET_NVS // Reset NVS settings to config.h

Auto AP failover is working here. See below.

Starting mav2pt version:2.68.11
Display support activated: Landscape
240hx320w text_size=2 char_h_px=16 char_w_px=12 scr_h_ch=15 scr_w_ch=26
EEPROM initialised successfully
EEPROM settings version:2.68.11
EEPROM settings read and adopted
Ground Mode selected
Battery_mAh_Source = 1 - Get battery capacities from the FC
RSSI Automatic Select
Target Board is ESP32 / Variant is Dev Module with ILI9341 2.8in COLOUR TFT SPI
Mavlink FC Serial
FrSky Serial
Mavlink GCS WiFi
WiFi mode is STA>AP
Protocol is UDP IP-Targeted
No Bluetooth options selected, BT support not compiled in
Mavlink FC serial on pins rx:16 and tx:17 baud:57600
S.Port at 57.6kb/s selected on rxpin:13 is IDLE_LOW, inverting rx polarity
FrSky simplex on tx pin = 4
WiFi mode set to STA successfully
Trying to connect to mySSID…
Failed to connect in STA mode
Failover to AP. Rebooting …

configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:1
entry 0x400805f0

Starting mav2pt version:2.68.11
Display support activated: Landscape
240hx320w text_size=2 char_h_px=16 char_w_px=12 scr_h_ch=15 scr_w_ch=26
EEPROM initialised successfully
EEPROM settings version:2.68.11
EEPROM settings read and adopted
Ground Mode selected
Battery_mAh_Source = 1 - Get battery capacities from the FC
RSSI Automatic Select
Target Board is ESP32 / Variant is Dev Module with ILI9341 2.8in COLOUR TFT SPI
Mavlink FC Serial
FrSky Serial
Mavlink GCS WiFiWiFi mode is STA>AP
Protocol is UDP IP-Targeted
No Bluetooth options selected, BT support not compiled in
Mavlink FC serial on pins rx:16 and tx:17 baud:57600
S.Port at 57.6kb/s selected on rxpin:13 is IDLE_LOW, inverting rx polarity
FrSky simplex on tx pin = 4
WiFi mode set to WIFI_AP
AP_default_IP: AP_gateway: AP_mask:
AP IP address: SSID: Tracker
mDNS responder started
Begin UDP using AP UDP object read port:14555 send port:14550
UDP for AP started, local remote
Web support active on http://tracker.local

I will post v2.68.11 later today.

Thanks. I will test out the new feature. As for eeprom resetting by uncommenting that line- I have tried it. Not overly concerned as I always use STA mode. As I use my repeater a lot, I may get another v4 dev board and do some more testing regardless.