Mavlink to FrSky S.Port Passthru Converter for LRS or PX4 Pro

how i recreate the issue
turn phone an connect to ap gives it
then try log on to the ap with my pc wifi card

Thank you so far!

Turn off all

start esp32

connect from phone, will get

reboot esp32

connect from pc, will get

esp32 should bomb and reboot

Then I need the debug txt, including backtrace:

Oh Oh! Sorry to trouble you with this. I can try to get to it tomorrow.

We are on level 3 here.

If you get the chance, download this and put it in “tools” folder in Arduino ide folder. The instructions are there.

i hope this what your after

dump.txt (5.3 KB)

Yes! Thanks. I’ll get back to you.


Thanks again for the feedback. The problem is indeed a duplicate ip caused as we described before. I must still find a way to trap the error.

In the meantime I added UDP broadcasting option, so that more than one GCS can-coexist in UDP mode.

I did get the same issue on the txmod with rfd firmware as well

Is there away we can use the on board buttons to page up and down ?

No worries I glad I can contribute some thing back

You mean on the 8266?

Yes, included in recent updates. Loop for Pup and Pdn pins.

Its hard to find spare digital read pins.

the buttons on the TTGO

3.Board choose

  • The board can choose ESP32 Dev Module, other settings can keep the default


Name V18
TFT Driver ST7789
I2C_SDA 21
I2C_SCL 22
ADC Power 14


  • The TFT_eSPI and Button2 libraries have been synchronized to the main branch

I see now what you mean.

Is anyone else having packet loss? Using latest (2.61.6) version of m2p on wifi kit 32 with rfd900x.


Additionally - my rssi instance 28 stays locked at 70 despite a definitely-working mavlink connection. Am I missing something in the config perhaps?

Nop all good here are you testing in the same room
if you are turn down the power off the Rfd900x to 5 mw as i do for testing this is not using ftdi just Ap

No packet loss with usb ftdi. I’ll try lowering power tho.

Hi Audrey

Check to see if this macro is defined:

#define RSSI_Override 70 // Only if (RSSI == 0) force it to value, but only sent when Mavlink good.)

It’s for debugging only

If it is, comment it out. Maybe read the RSSI section on the wiki.

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question SD card adapter on a esp32 can we read the sd card from the usb ?

[quote=“yak-54, post:338, topic:29635, full:true”]
question SD card adapter on a esp32 can we read the sd card from the usb ?

Do you mean read on a PC? Yes, because the PC is a host, and the ESP is a device.

Can you read from another device (esp32) using usb? No, because you would need a usb host hat to do that.

You could copy some of the mav2pt code to read the SD and write to serial(0);

Aha, I see. I thought that was “set rssi to 70% until radio_status packets are recieved”. Guess I got it backwards.

Still having crazy packet loss (25%+) that is not present with usb ftdi to the rfd900x. Are there any debugging settings that could help figure out what is causing it?