Mavlink to FrSky S.Port Passthru Converter for LRS or PX4 Pro

Have an issue
if i turn off the flight controller on my setup its not holding rssi but it fall back to 69 db and holds that not going back to zero in yaapo ?
is this config setting somewhere i have over looked
and open tx in the sensor page it holds the last value it receded last as well so theirs no Rssi warring

Yeah, we installed a PR from hasil123 back in 2020-01-18 v2.51

  if(fr_rssi < 1){    // Patch from hasi123
    fr_rssi = 69;

The purpose was to ensure connectivity to the Taranis et al, even when there was a problem with rssi. Before that we had

//#define RSSI_Override // Dummy RSSI - fixed at 70%

Further, I continue to send rssi even if we lose Mavlink telemetry. We did this because on some long-range radios telemetry would time out, rssi to Taranis would stop, and Taranis screen stops updating.

So it’s a bit of a mish mash and could benefit from a logic clean up.

Since then we increased the telemetry time-out to 10 seconds, so it’s probably ok to stop forwarding (the most recent) rssi on the downlink when the uplink is broken.

Also, maybe 69 is a bit odd, so I could make it say 70% when rssi == 0, but only if
(#defined RSSI_Override) is true.

What do you thing.

BTW, I received the TTGP T-Display boards yesterday, exactly 14 days after I bought them. Not too bad from China. I’ll publish an update today, including support for that variant. I love that little colour display. The resolution goes up to 320 x 240, or even 480, so we can get much more on the display.

just leave it rssi as is i thought i was doing something wrong its there of a resign

when compiling for TTG0 what board do i use esp32 Dev
and what pins

Use V2.61.3 on my GitHub, and select ESP32 variant 5 in config.h.

On the IDE select board “ESP32 Dev Module”


red and blue

Yes, there are several interesting that can be done with this display. Thanks for introducing the board Colin. Its quite affordable too.

can we limit number of lines to 8 then start new page and use the buttons to page and forward
this how i have it setup now

#if (ESP32_Variant == 5)   // LILYGO® TTGO T-Display ESP32 1.14" ST7789 Colour LCD
  //display.setTextColor(TFT_GREEN, TFT_BLACK);
  //display.setTextColor(TFT_RED, TFT_BLACK);
  //display.setTextColor(TFT_YELLOW, TFT_BLACK);
  //display.setTextColor(TFT_BLUE, TFT_BLACK);
  display.setTextFont(1);    // Original Adafruit font 0, try 0 thru 6

I want to try the skyblue.

Yes, the code is already there to keep a screen buffer in ram for the OLED; just increase the rows, however, first prize would be to access the driver memory directly

I also wanted to try display.drawString(“jhfi”); but today I must tackle another project.

Hi Colin, I added display up/down scrolling. See GitHub. It needs more testing.

works fine i had flat battery it kept rebooting

Tup 33 // Touch pin to scroll the display up
Tdn 32 // Touch pin to scroll the display down

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but something i did notice if your log in on a laptop and using mission planner and then if an other device tries to automatic connect it reboots

Are you using UDP or TCP/IP ?

UDP not tested on TCP

Ok, in UDP I broadcast to everyone on the subnet, then the first reply determines the UDP remote address.

I suppose I can keep broadcasting, but that’s not a great idea for traffic.

Let me think about it, and check why it reboots

it took me some minutes work out why it was doing it
i was test it earlier with my phone it was set to auto connect

here some comport logs
i may be wrong it may be dhcp server when the laptop and the phone are requesting same IP address ?
then it reboots (3.5 KB)

Thanks for this Colin. I’ll be able to look at it on Monday.

Hello Colin

I believe your assessment is correct. In the esp322, in AP mode, the dhcp server issued a lease to your phone.

Later, you forgot about the phone, rebooted the esp32 for whatever reason, and it issued the same IP to your PC. Your PC and phone is connected to your LAN, right? Then the esp tries to communicate with the duplicate IP, and picks up an error condition.

So I want to re-create the problem here, and check the errors code that occurs. Problem is the day is getting away from me. Could you maybe activate Core debug level = Debug and recreate the issue?

will go now do it been out getting some stuff before stage 4 lockdown

is this what you are (1.7 KB)