Mavlink Connection to APM 2.6 not updating on Mission Planner

I seem to be having issues with my MavLink connection between Mission Planner and my Quad.

The on screen HUD on MP does not update and show any data that should be coming through from the Quad even though the MavLink connects successfully. I have had it working a few times but there is not consistency and the on screen attitude indicator does not update.

The Mavlink is running version 1.9 on both the ground and air station. I am able to connect the radio successfully using the 57600 baud rate. Also when I bring up link stats it shows there is data being sent between the two. I am using MP version 1.3.38. Have been struggling over this for a while

Sounds like a move back to first principles. Did it ever connect?

The radio always connects but its very hit and miss as to whether the data on MP updates. I can write new parameters to the board over the radio and talk to it but its just flight information that is not working

If you move the aircraft away does it get much worse… sounds like an antenna issue. You have always has antennas connected… Not ever tried the radios without them …

The odd thing is that if the craft is a reasonable distance away from the ground station, it usually connects most of the time. This morning I loaded a different parameter file on and it has seemed to have fixed the issue so far