Hi, I’m trying to connect raspberrypi 3B and pixhawk orange cube. And I connected raspberrypi and pixhawk with telemetry port cable and powered the raspberrypi with lipo battery by UBEC. below pictures are the current status of my raspberrypi and pixhawk and the way I connected rx, tx, ground by telemetry port.
I’ve followed this process, except installing python-pip, I’ve installed python3-pip, and just like that … +edit : I’ve done both(python3, python) but not working
I’ve found that my raspberrypi have dev/ttyAMA0 and ttyS0 port by enter this code(maybe)
I’ve tried various baudrate like 57600, 921600, 115200, and tried to replace ttyAMA0 and serial0, ttyS0 and serial1, and tried switching the rx and tx. I’ve tried all the combination but didn’t get further process. I also have built another telemtry cable but it was no use.
please give me some advices and thank you in advance.