hi all,
im using an H743 wing with arducopter 4.5.7.(quadcopter)
connected hobbywing X6 motors via can port.
flowing the very informative videos and wiki by Tim Archer,
{ https://www.youtube.com/@timarcher52 }
ive configured bit rate and assigned id numbers 1 through4 eith droneCAN gui
and set up params :
can_d1_uc_option = 128 (hobbywing esc)
can_d1_uc_esc_bm = 15 (1-4)
protocol set to dronecan
when testing motors on mission planner- the motors spin in a weird way
= they start spinning for a second then stop and after that spin up again.
when i tried to arm- motors span up eraticly and seperatly.
is it at all possible to use dronecan esc with h743 wing?
if so, any ideas what is wrong with my setup?
thank you/
reflashed firmware and seems to work now, i think there was a problem with the bdshot version and bl32 params used with previous esc’s.