Matek F405 wing for quad

Hi everyone is it possible to use a Matek F405 as a quad copter controller please many thank’s

Hi Marty,

Yes, you can use a Matek F405 Wing controller for a quad. Much the information you need is here.

  • 9x PWM outputs (2 for motors, 7 for servos)

Don’t let the line above confuse you. The FC has two built-in ESC power feeds that can optionally be used for a simple wing setup. Normally, for a quad setup, you’ll just use four external ESCs with the S1 and S2 pins and nearby grounds along with S3 and S4 in the opposite corner.

Good luck!

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Thank you,Greg how are you feeling is your health better


Yes, I am doing better and hope to start flying in a few weeks…thanks!

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thats great news Greg,take care my friend