Manual Tuning to auto tune

Hi team , i developed a quadcopter using hobbywing x6 pro motor and manually tuned and attained a stable flight in loiter mode, only problem is altitude dropping , and i dont know why in altitude hold mode my drone is rolling right continuously ,and may i know am i ready to do autotune with this . Log file is attached below

Altitude hold only holds altitude, it does not hold position. To hold position you need to use loiter mode.
So it is 100% normal that AltHold drifts with the wind.

To know if you are ready to do autotune, there is a well documented procedure at the top of the autotune documentation.

actually, i have made a small quad before and while autotuning it got crashed, so i need experts opinion before i do autotune to save my drone from crashing , thank you sir

Have you considered Quiktune first before doing an Autotune?
By the way, are you satisfy with noise and vibration of the drone?

yes sir , i have done quik tune , the pid values are given by quiktune , the vibration and noise seems ok

Before Autotune, with the done Quiktune parameters, start with small pitch or roll, slowly increase to full stick pitch or roll and return to mid-stick to see any unexpected oscillation in loiter flight mode. Check if your LOIT_BRK_DELAY is it 0.3.

If no oscillation, likely you can proceed to Autotune. Wait for low wind, clam day. If you do not have sufficient flying experience, I do not recommend loiter trigger Autotune, suggest Alt-hold trigger Autotune. Alt-hold trigger Autotune needs a much bigger space.
Run through the Autotune behavior documentation or watch other Autotune videos by users. Familiar yourself, how to cancel Autotune if needed. Do one axis per trigger, start with pitch or roll first. Leave yaw to the last.

using QuikTune before AUTOTUNE, AND setting up the noise notch filtering, see Managing Gyro Noise with the Dynamic Harmonic Notch Filters, is highly recommended in order to get the best tune and avoid possible crashes when using AUTOTUNE.