Long range UAV link 100mw for 60KM was designed and tested

I can not read params and view the video stream on my T10,
I get the connected status but read params is failed over USB.
Over Bluetooth I connect and read params, but no video is available via bluetooth.
Anyone has the same issue, I tried different android devices and cables.
Here is the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D35fOKQmURo

So Params is only read via Bluetooth, it’s not read via the USB.
Video is only via the USB, thats why the connection is made.
However I am not familiar with your device so I can’t speak to any issues you might have with video. I assume your using the Skydroid FPV app and your running a current version of android.

@rickyg32 Thanks for the clarification !
It seems it is my misunderstanding.
Can I ask 1 more question.
I want to make my T10 Mode 2, I added the bracket and removed 1 spring ( on the picture ) But it seems there is 1 more spring, it still centers automatically, can someone tell me where is the 2nd spring.

If it’s using the same gimbals as the M12 and T12 then there is only one spring to remove. You should see it stretch when you move the joystick. That said…this image looks different then what I remember in my M12 and T12.

Hello, information/discussion on the Skydroid is very interesting; however, where does the pictured tablet mount on your Taranis come from? I need something similar.


Not sure what your referencing when yo mention the taranis pictured. The Skydroid is the controller and it has a mount for the tablet. The taranis if you have one is shelved lol

Sorry that didn’t work the way I had intended. I was referring to the mount in the image below. I believe you may have mentioned you have the same mount. Unfortunately I bought a Jumper T16 before I was aware of the Skydroid systems, although I am quite tempted. Anyway, I need to find a good place to get a tablet mount similar to the one pictured. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.


I got my Taranis mount here.

Works great
Be aware it makes them top heavy

Excellent, thanks so much!

No problem glad to help

@rickyg32 @MartyMcFly Are you Two happy with SkyDroid T12 HD video and Tx Quality? Have u done any range tests yet?

Which is the latest model? H16 Pro I assume?

Ready to click the buy button :slight_smile:

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Im a bit disappointed now with Skydroid in general,1stly they dont seem to help there customers and for me a failure of the T12 is it wont work with F7 boards eg the cube orange and I cannot get it to write parameters,so my one sits in a drawer doing nothing,it really is a shame to be negative about it as it has so much potential,thats my thought’s any way


I like my T12. I use only Pixhawk boards so I don’t have the issues that Marty is referring to. I have had no issues with range or performance in general.
IF I was to call out anything negative it would be two things. First Skydroid is focusing on Chinese clients over off shore. So getting any news from them at this point is difficult as Marty has pointed out. Second I do have a repeating issue with Buetooth connectivity. Not that it fails but rather it won’t connect. Now I confess I honestly believe that the issue is between the keyboard and the chair if you get my meaning.
That said, I wouldn’t put the unit on a shelf as it works well. qGroundcontrol works great and there are other products that work with the skydroid system that are cool, video switching, spot lights. analog video to digital converts…as well as single axis gimbals…so cool stuff.
But getting an answer from them is hard and takes time.


@MartyMcFly just a thought on the orange cube with the t12. Is it possible that one is set to MavLink 2 and the other is MavLink 1?
Since there is no difference between the board’s wiring and telemetry interfaces as far as I know.
It’s just a thought and the Skydroid does support ML2

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Hey Gal
Whats the difference between Mavlink1 and 2. I wasn’t’ aware of a difference.

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Interesting was just reading about 2 versus 1…interesting. Could be Marty’s issue

It’s a faster and more messages support and newer version. I never tried changing to it from laziness.
I am not sure but I think that v1 cannot talk to v2

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Hi Gal,ive tried mav 1 and 2 no difference,when you connect to the orange cube you get the problem that you cannot get a flight mode it keeps jumping all over the place and then says there is connection problem,may be I am missing something and thank you for your help,as I said its a crying shame that “Skydroid”, have kinda deserted us

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yes that seems to be correct…but 2 can talk to 1…just you might not hear the full sentence lol


@MartyMcFly if you want, I don’t mind trying to resolve this issue with you, just for the fun of it.

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