Long range UAV link 100mw for 60KM was designed and tested

Really liking the look of this stuff! Some great posts above.

Considering getting a T12 or an SG 12

Had a few questions, can anyone help?

Is it possible to connect to it via USB or Bluetooth onto a laptop for telemetry in mission planner AND video on the laptop at the same time (ideally in the HUD)

Is it possible to connect both a tablet AND a laptop at the same time for video on tablet/telem on laptop?

Does the SG12 come with a tablet and if not, what tablet is designed to fit on it?

I can tell you for the SG12 its a spot to put a phone or tablet. There is a newer unit coming soon. I don’t know the date yet but it has a built in display.
I know nothing about the unit. Cao is keeping the details close to his chest. But I know the video system is all HDMI based.

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Hmm interesting. Seems he is a busy man.

i actually prefer to be able to remove the tablet so the SG12 might be better for me.

From the photos of the SG12 it looks like the tablet fits within a specific window, any idea what the tablet is? Anyone have a photo of the unit without the tablet on it?

Looks nice, keep Us update :heart_eyes: , you know if a T12 model going to come with hdmi video too?, I need bigger screens lol :nerd_face:

o the T12 is standard definition and uses a special camera. However @MartyMcFly put me on to a converter that converts standard analog video to digital thats compatible with the T12. Seems to work not to bad. I have a couple of them now.

Also if you know of anyone that needs an M12L I have one I am not using with 3 or 4 receivers.


@rickyg32 Thats good to know there are plenty of accessories. Do you know if there is a converter for HDMI to input into the air unit? (I don’t need HD quality just to be able to see where the camera is pointing)

I am not aware of an HD version of their converter. You can use a hdmi to comp video converter then to the skydroid converter…but I suspect your adding in latency.

Hi @rickyg32 Thanks again for the info.

Does anyone know what format the serial video from the camera actually takes? I am curious to know if its a “standard” or if its propriety to the camera.
I ask because I have found another camera that offers serial output but unsure if they would actually talk to each other.

H264 2 mbits per second

Having another problem again. Upgraded tranamitter and receiver firmware to 3.6 on T12. Camera as informed by skydroid to use 12v. But camera don’t seems to be working. There is no video feed to my screen. Controller is working with reference to missionplanner.

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Hi Kelvin, can you share a photo of your camera connection to rx?
PS. Leave MissionPlanner out of the equation for now. Use the tower app on your device before anything else

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Before all the resent events took place there was sheduled for April a HDMI to serial converter to be released so you could use any HDMI camera. The current serial convertor is propriety to the FPV camera supplied.
That was the information I received from the sales department when I made the same enquiry back In January.

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Hi Gal,

I have sent the parts back to China for Skydroid to troubleshoot.

Thanks for your help.

Seriously hope it will work after they are done troubleshooting.


Quick and hopefully easy question…

How is the air unit and camera powered? Is the main power feed from the Telem port on the flight controller or are people powering this separately?

Also… Anyone have dimensions for the air unit and tell me the length of the antenna wires?

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Hi @tegwin, I powered it from telemetry port and never looked back on this.
The antenna wires length is 20cm.
RX 40mm x 50mm

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Perfect thanks.

Just making space in my aircraft. Expecting a delivery this week :slight_smile:

Just a brief question for Skydroid Guys… Is there any way to setup DUAL RATE AND EXPONENTIAL control to my sticks?

I don’t think you can. No fancy stuff on radio

After sending back my unit back to Skydroid, they test it without issue. They informed that there is a high chance that it is due to handphone model. If any of you do encounter the system is not working well do look for alternative phone model to try.

The new H16 controller has selling on Skydroid shop