Long range UAV link 100mw for 60KM was designed and tested

Hi everyone. Skydroid T12 in its Tower app has the rssi but in qgroundcontrol all the data is received except that the rssi. Is there any way to have this data in QGC. Thanks for the help

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Hi @Guillermo_Sanchez, I can’t remember what was on previous versions, however, in version 4 of QGC it shows RSSI.

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While opening up a M12L to investigate some battery issues, I found something I was not expecting, and wanted to ask if someone knows why do we have a GPS receiver inside the transmitter?


wow when I opened mine I never noticed a gps… Perhaps I should look again, but no idea why it exists.
I wonder if it provides location data to the ground station for things like follow me.

No clue. huh


Ups, I didnt notice too, were you found it?


This unit arrived last month so it should be a newer batch.
It is located right beside the on/off switch on the board.


I think, by having data location of the Tx, the drone can do:
1). Follow me
2). Return to me (as choice) beside RTL. This feature is very important if the drone take off from the sailing boat.

All of these options are available only if you are connected to a ground station like Mission Planner and even then it is not a button to press in case of dynamic home or moving base. I do not think the transmitter is injecting position data in the telemetry stream.
Why is this not mentioned in the manual?

Mine has an unused wifi module inside, Cao explained that it was for future features but that they have interferences yet with main radio so they dont activate by fw, perhaps similar case?


Have Skydrone systems CE mark?

It’s have a CE logo on the box but I could’t find the CE certification

Do you mean just on packing? Is not on sender and receiver?

That CE means China Export… :smiley:

Or China Excelent.
But, as all europeans know, the new regulations require CE mark on our products.

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Can someone confirm for me the max number of receivers that can be bound to the t12 transmitter.

Ok no answer so how about this question.
What the number of receivers yo have bound at once to date.

Hi all, i have finally received my T12 since my order before Feb. Right now setting it up and found myself stuck.

From receiver side there are camera and telemetry connection.

The telemetry wires has only 3 but my pixhawk has 6 pins.

I try to ask assistance from skydroid, they only say have to DIY but did not say how and no wiring diagram given.

Can someone help me out on this?

I tried to upload photos but system keep saying my file is too big even though i crop it.

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Hi @Africatwin
Yes, you need to use one of the cables telemetry cables that came with your FC, cut it and cut the skydroid cable and solder it yourself.
The wiring depends on the FC, I know for a fact that pixhawk 1 telem pinout is different from the cube, so it is best to look in google for your fc telemetry pinout, just remember that the receiver tx should go to FC rx and receiver rx is connected to FC tx. The receiver 5v to FC 5v and receiver gnd to FC gnd. The other two wires can be either cut or remove the plugs from the connector.

Thanks Gal, now i have to find a 6p connector with wires in order to do this.

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I perfectly understand you. A spare cable is always hard to find when you need it :wink: