Long range UAV link 100mw for 60KM was designed and tested

Hi Ricky, basically it is the process. It is midnight here so tomorrow I shall prepare a shot video for you.

Hey thanks Gal.
I managed to get it to work using the Bluetooth. Puzzled why the USB cable is required.
Anyway thank you. I figured it was time to get the t12 out of the box now that the move is done.



T12 looks a nice choice to reduce a lot equipment to carry, near a diy DJI, congrats Riky, I follow yours experiences, I have in my wishlist :slight_smile:

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The usb cable is needed for the video

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I suspected that was the case.
The issue I seem to be having is inconsistent Bluetooth connections. I have to repair it all the time.
Not sure why yet

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ricky, as a side note, do not let the QGC connect to your t12 when you plugin the cable, only the to the Skydroid fpv app. If you run the tower app than let it connect since you need the fpv inside the tower app

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so let me see if I have this straight. Bluetooth for Qground control good…USB connection bad.
Tower app…does it have built in video now or still an overlay.
I feel like I have a lot of catching up to do. I don’t ever want to move again.



QGC connect thru Bluetooth, allow tower fpv app to connect thru cable and the fpv app is overlaid over QGC
Towerapp Connect the Bluetooth and when you connect the cable allow the tower app to use it
The video is inside the tower app. One tap on the video window will resize it to full screen withe data overlaid on video

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Thanks Gal. I will give it a try.

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Hey out there …another question. the Skydroid FPV app for creating the video window. I get the message it needs a gig of space for recording or buffering. Is there a way to tell it to use the SD card and not the tablet storage.



Sorry Ricky, that is way advanced for me :wink:, never tried that. But, if I remember correctly, this is an Android issue that I believe you can configure, I simply haven’t used Android for many years so I don’t remember. I believe you can tell Android where to save some file on sd card.
PS, now that you have mentioned it, I shall try it in a day or two (my new x8 is on the workbench)


That is awesome.
I have one sort of similar.


i ordered my T12 from China since Chinese new year. Due to the virus outbreak, the parcel is still in China. Hope to get it soon and start enjoying it.

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Can i use cable to connect to both apps, instead of using bluetooth for QGC and Tower on cable?

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So it appears that the groundstation has to be via bluetooth and in fact in my case if the USB is plugged in when the tablet boots I have bluetooth issues. If I plug it in after it boots the bluetooth connection is fine.

@MartyMcFly how do you fine the video quality and latency with the video converter.
I got it working today but find latency is high and the quality is poor. But not sure if it’s just my config.

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Kelvin, I am not sure, but I think you can not

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Beautiful quad. To be honest, after I saw your quad in one of your posts, way back I searched for a similar frame and I ended up with this Trooper 850. I also upgraded its structure with brackets from sky-hero so now the height of the fuselage is 40mm.
With 8x380 motors and 2x12800mah Li-Ion its AUW is about 5.5kg

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Hi Richard,Gal and all,regarding the converter I thought the lag was slightly better than the skydroid camera,picture was good,at the moment I have the 2 way splitter fitted as well so was happy.
Regarding the SD card I found this setting in developer mode that may work but have not tried it yet, Force allow Apps on External Storage it will be couple days before I can try it. P/S this is for Android

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Hi Martin, thanks for the update. What is the two way splitter for? Are you using two cameras?

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Hi Gal,yes skydroid do a camera spliter that allows you to use 2 cameras and channel 9 on T12 to switch between them, https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000498055494.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.1d964bcbmIrQuQ&algo_pvid=d331e674-51a2-40a5-b69f-2ca166cf8ba7&algo_expid=d331e674-51a2-40a5-b69f-2ca166cf8ba7-13&btsid=0b0a050b15826197145276779edcca&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_