Long range UAV link 100mw for 60KM was designed and tested

yea it is excellent now,I have the T12 and can use every switch and button just getting back into skyroid/cube 2.1 aft a we greak because of ill health,you will love your T10

Hello, I have a Skykdroid T12, I have not yet flown with it, I am configuring with a Pixhawk. The problem is that after having updated the two Skydroid, Tower and FPV apps to version 6.0, the camera sends the rotated image, I canā€™t find why itā€™s like this, Iā€™ve searched all the appā€™s settings but canā€™t find where Rotate the image, itā€™s silly can, but it intrigues me. Can anyone tell me how to do it? Thank you

wellcome to the Skydroid family,if you press the square on the camera(video picture) with the + & - sign it will come up with options press flip and should solve it,enjoy and have fun with your T12

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Thank you very much for the advice, I have solved it.
One more question: I come from the iNav world, I have tried Skydroid T12 with a Matek 722, at the workshop level, without flying clear. My question is that apart from the fact that the configuration commands from Skydroid did not work, in the Matek in a uart I have arranged Mavlink telemetry output, but it does not connect with Skydroid, I donā€™t know why, it was simply a test. It would be possible to do it, I have completely checked the connections and connection baud and in my opinion they are fine but without connection result. Thanks for your attention

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I had the skydroid T12 set up on a Matek F405 board I think with ardupilot in a wing worked good untill the wing flew away into the North Sea lol if I can help I will

I regularly use the RFD setup for my long range stuff, without the long range video feed. I just found this page and i cant believe how 100mw can achieve the claimed telemetry range and the video feed if it can that would be soo awesome. i would love to test this out i know alot of people would be very very interested in this if it can perform. I can also hook it up to a high gain 2.4 antenna if that works.

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I have tested both versions, I got to 50km with the M, had to turn around because of battery and 20km with the T with video. After 20km the video starts to degrade quickly.


HI Tim,firstly wellcome many more qualified people here to help you and sure they will chip in,I would be interested in what 2.4 antenna you are using

Hi @silvain,
Well, I saved the output of raspivid to a file and viewed it in VLC perfectly, however I still get the green screen when I stream that file thru gstreamer to T12. This is so weird, I feel so close but no matter what I send, I still get the green screen.
Any suggestions?
P.S. Is there a link to download the SDK or is it supplied on a private basis? if its a shared resource, would you mind share it with me?

Hello! Greetings from Brazil, I am looking to mount the 360mm multirotor with a mini pix radiolink and the skydroid T10 for flights on trails of ~ 3km ā€¦ Has any friend of the group already tested the T10 system? Thank you for your attention! (Y)

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Hi Valdenilton,yes one member on here went nearly 18k with the M12 ive been about 4k with the T12,we have a active page on face book have a look there some good info there also

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Hello everyone, once again I need advice. I have a Skydroid T12, I use it with a Huawei mediapad T8 tablet, it falls a bit short of memory and processor. I would like to advise me a table of about 10" that manages tower and towefpv well and others. I appreciate your collaboration

Hi there,I use the Huawei T10 with out problem,one thing I have done is used blue tack to hold the micro usb cable in place

I use a samsung S4 tablet without issues, I hope any new tablet go, check that it has good screen bright to use outside.

Thank you very much for your help, Iā€™m looking for a tablet that works for me. One more question, do you have news if Skydroid plans to transfer its Android APP to iOS? It would be great to be able to use an Iphone or an iPod.

hi Romeo_E, your aircraft design is drone or fixed wing aircraft? i have quad drone and need this distance but i canā€™t. please suggest me.

For these distances only fixed wing can have the autonomy required.

Thank, for your reply. i used skydroid in my drone. It gave 5k distance but i need more distance but i want not change aircraft design. My drone endurance is 40 min and speed is 17m/s. I donā€™t understand what mean this AUTONOMY REQUIRED. Please explain me.

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Try to put the antennas as far as other electronics that you can, verify that batts or other components, specially CF parts dont disturb line of sight, try with a 2.4 directional antenna on one connector in the radio control. Its more difficult to have distance with multirrotors because of interferences. Can you share a photo were antennas are installed?

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Hey all.
Going to sound silly but I need some t12 help.
I have been using the M12 and finally now that the move is over and we are settled in I am breaking out the T12 and upgrading all my machines to T12. But I donā€™t understand how to connect Qgroundcontrol via t12. With the M12L the method was via the Bluetooth. But I get the impression its a USB connection. But that option isnā€™t available in Qgroundcontrol.

Input is appreciated.