Long range UAV link 100mw for 60KM was designed and tested

Hi Gal,
I don’t use raspvid so the beginning of the command will not work for you but I can send you the end :

video/x-h264,stream-format=byte-stream,profile=high ! filesink location=/dev/ttyS0

The most important is “stream-format=byte-stream”


I have one with the radio and bought three more, then, I bind all of them without issues but in use I have two at the moment, I can check if the others are working well too if you need to take a desition.

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Hi Ricky,

Yes, the 6.6" size.


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From the skydroid.xin webpage it seems like the conversion board is already available. And there is also a camera switcher board…
And the SG12 looks interesting, there must be some sort of android running on that…


Do you have a link to the unit

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If you search for skydroid conversion board you can find it on Aliexpress, it’s around 30$

₪ 114.51 | Skydroid T12/T10/SG12 camera AV conversion board

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This is awesome news.
I have been a bit out of touch since I moved. So I have not seen this.
Very cool
Would be interesting to see how well it works. Perhaps its time to get a t12.
Can someone tell me the R12 receiver dimensions. Wondering how it compares to the M12l receiver.

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Hi @rickyg32, you’ve been missed.

Here are the dimensions in inches
image image


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Thanks @gnitzan
I appreciate you taking the time.


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Hi Cao, i am interested in getting this controller. May i know if there is any difference in setting up the controller with/without the throttle return to center?


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Looking at the conversion board, if i get a camera with USB output, pin out as follow, Vcc GND, Dp and Dn, can i feed the input to the receiver directly without the conversion board?

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Welcome Kelvin.
If your asking if there is a difference between the M12 and the T12…there is no difference.
If your asking if its easy to do, it is.

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Dear Ricky,


I am a newbie to Skydroid and also a newbie to build my own UAV.

I do not have any experience in using any Skydroid controller but it seems that it is amuch easier controller to use than my Futaba T8J as there are many settings on it which i have not figure out.

Due to my controller throttle is not center and i will be flying UAV. I hope to maintain my height with the throttle being centered. My concern will be will i encounter any issue from my FC pixhawk 2.4.8 as i am not well verse in setting PWM.

Hope you can advise where i can read more or watch more youtube on M12L other than those upload by Cao

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Hello Kelvin, the M12L is actually simple to configure, there is a complete manual that Ricky wrote for this comunity that you can download and you can find many users here that can help if you find any trouble, only ask, good luck.

Hi Cala,

Thanks i have yet to go thru the whole thread. I guess i would just buy , explore and learn at the same time for M12L.

May i know if anyone has tried add on an range extender to the M12L? I stay in Singapore and our bandwidth is very packed so i am planning to port my current alientech to the M12L to use for stability.

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You can use a directional antenna replacing one of the two, they have the common sma connectors, easy to replace, what range you need?

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I am looking at above 20km

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I tested up to 18 kms with a Rover, some trees in the way, with 90-100% signal and finished near a 4G antenna, you can see my test upper this post or I search for you, here it is :

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I have an Ml12 that I am likely going to sell.
I don’t use it and can give a good price if anyone is interested.
I think it has two receivers, case and cables.

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