Long range UAV link 100mw for 60KM was designed and tested

this is my solution about sun light:sunglasses:


We are Korean drone company that makes VTOL quadplane. We connect skdroid’s product with QGCS. It has an amazing performance, especially with wide control range. Here I attached a video that recorded by fpv on our product. Actual video in tablet looks even better.



thank you



Is it possible to connect the Android Multi link Rx to the FC F4?
Thanks for help,



yes it’s possible. the guideline is in matek’s homepage

Hi Kang,
thank you very much for your response. Do you have a link of this explanation? I searched it on matek’s homepage but I did not find it.

Best Regard

I would like to have a little help concerning a problem on the measurement of the RSSI signal. On the Tower app it appears well, on the other hand on Mission Planner (The radio Skydroid T12 is plug in USB on the PC with MP) MP does not indicate the value read by Android Tower. My settings in Mission planner are as follows :

Thanks for your help

I did not understand .Android Multi link Rx
Please tell me in detail

Altitude on Skydroid Tower shows from sea level? How do I change it? It happens only with GPS fix.

Try reading telem rssi

I don’t see Telem RSSI, I see remrssi ?
My problem is the same for Qgroundcontrol, my RSSI work only on Tower .

A Very Happy and Prosperous New Year to every one and good flying

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Thank´s idem for you and this wonderfull group

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Hello everyone, it has been a while…

Since we lost @SKYDROID’s help here I have been struggling to build a camera converter for the T10.

According to one of @SKYDROID comments, the camera send a raw H264 stream in 2000000 bit rate over the serial output to the tx.

So I setup a GoPro 5 black connected to an HDMI to CSI2 converter which I connected to RPI 3B.

The RPI ttyS0 is connected to the camera input on the T10 TX.

I have configured ttyS0 bit rate to 2000000.

When I start raspivid I serialize (raw h264) it’s output to ttyS0.

I get in the FPV app a green screen no matter what I set on raspivid.
On the preview screen in rpi I get a perfect video.

So, I believe that I need to change the raspivid params but my knowledge in video processing is very limited and there are so many variables.

One thought I have is to connect the serial camera that came with the t10 to rpi and check the stream of the data but this is way out of my league.

Looking for some help/advice if anyone has the knowledge on these issues.

Thanks and a Happy new year

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Hi Gal,
It’s work with GStreamer.


Hi all,

Happy New Year!

I found this N.ORANIE Monitor Sun Hood works great on the Skydroid tablet holder without modification. It comes in various sizes like the one for my Galaxy Tab A 8.0" tablet. The newer version has a curtain that really seals out the sun!



Hi @silvain,

Would it be possible for you to share some more information on how to do that? Did you mean to use gstreamer instead of raspivid?
If so, could you share the command params?

Thank you

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Hey someone refresh my memory. How many receivers can be bound to the M12L. Anyone know.

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Hey Greg.
Happy New Year… can you let me know if you got the 6.6inch version. I ask becuase my tablet is nearly the identical dimensions as yours. So the one you ordered should work for me. But I am in Canada so I need to check which one you have.


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I bounded four, you say its a limit number to bound?

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I don’t recall. I thought Cao had told me 3 was the limit but if you have bound 4… I am good to go then.
Thanks @cala2

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